Braiden and Sophia

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*Ten years later*

"Are you ready, babe?" Luke asked standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming." Ashton called.

Luke smiled when his husband appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Are you excited?" Luke asked.

"I'm nervous." Ashton said with a sigh.

"Me too, but it's gonna be fine." Luke smiled kissing Ashton's head.

At that moment the doorbell rang.

"It's them." Ashton said taking in a sharp breath.

"Just breathe. I'll get the door." Luke smiled before going to the door.

Ashton peered over Luke's shoulder to see Casey, their social worker, with a little blonde girl in her arms and a little boy with honey brown hair gripping her hand.

"Luke, Ashton, how are you?" Casey smiled.

"Good." Luke smiled as Ashton slid his hand into Luke's.

"I would like you to meet, Sophia and Braiden." Casey grinned stepping into the house.

Ashton knelt down in front of the little boy.

"Hi, I'm Ashton." He smiled.

"Are you going to be my new daddy?" The little boy asked.

"I would like to be. Would that be okay with you?" Ashton asked nervously.

"Are you gonna be mean to Sophia?" The little boy asked sadly.

"Never." Ashton promised.

"Okay, then you can be my new daddy." Braiden smiled shyly.

Ashton felt a large grin appear on his face.

"That means, this little angel is Sophia." Luke crouched down next to Ashton as Casey set the little blonde girl down.

"She's three and I'm five." Braiden stated proudly.

"Wow, that's so great." Luke grinned.

"Does Sophia like babydolls?" Ashton asked hopefully.

"Yeah." Sophia clapped her hands happily.

"What about you do you like babydolls?" Ashton asked Braiden.

"No way." Braiden laughed.

"What about legos?" Ashton asked.

"Yes!" Braiden threw his hands up in excitement.

"Come on, I'll show you the toys we got for you two." Luke reached his hand out which Braiden and Sophia took easily much to Ashton's relief.

"Do you feel better now?" Casey asked Ashton as they watched Luke disappear down the hall.

"Yes, thank you." Ashton nodded.

"It's so nice that they'll be able to stay together. We've had a hard time placing them since Braiden is already five and protective of Sophia." Casey explained.

"I think it'll help them adjust." Ashton smiled.

"Sophia was hit a lot by their mom so if she gets scared easily that's why and Braiden gets upset if you fuss at Sophia so things may be difficult at first." Casey stated handing Ashton a pile of paperwork.

"This is all their background information and basically everything we know about them and their parents."

"They didn't ask about a mom." Ashton noted skimming some of the pages.

"We explained to them that they would have two dads instead, Braiden said there wasn't a mom to be mean to Sophia so he liked it." Casey smiled earning one from Ashton.

"Thank you so much for working with us. It was hard for Luke when we were turned down by so many adoption agencies. He's wanted kids for a while now. I'm glad we were finally able to find the perfect match." Ashton smiled fondly as he heard the squeals of children from down the hall.

"Shall we get this paperwork finished up then?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, definitely, come on." Ashton lead Casey to living room where he found Luke with the kids. Their kids. He was on the floor while Sophia crawled on top on him and Braiden sat next to him.

Luke smiled up at Ashton. Ashton could see how happy Luke was. He had been afraid the kids wouldn't like them but they seemed to be taking to Luke quickly.

At that moment Braiden ran over to Ashton and tugged on his hand.

"Umm, excuse me, what am I supposed to call you?" Braiden asked politely.

Ashton smiled at the little boy.

"What would you like to call me?"

"Hmm..." Braiden hummed thoughtfully.

"There are two daddy's so...maybe you can be daddy and he can" Braiden asked.

"Okay." Ashton smiled.

"Yay, Sophia, did you hear that? The one with green eyes is daddy and the one with blue eyes is dad. I'll help you remember." Braiden smiled at his little sister.

Luke looked up at Ashton. They shared a smile, they had a family now. It was complete.


This is the end officially. *sniff sniff* I hope you all enjoyed it and thank everyone for their votes and comments. I will be starting a new one soon. It's called Everything I Didn't Say. Love you guys!!!

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