I liked being the one to break your walls down

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Ashton and Luke made their way down the stairs.

"There you are, I was just looking for you." Calum said spotting Ashton.

"Oh." Calum noticed Luke behind the brunette.

"Hey, Cal." Ashton said nervously.

"What were you doing upstairs?" Calum asked frowning.

"Talking." Ashton answered quickly.

"Willingly?" Calum said surprised.

"Yes." Ashton nodded.

"And, how did that go?" Calum asked cautiously.

"Well." Ashton smiled.

"Good." Calum frowned at the smirking Luke behind Ashton.

"Are you two friends now?" Calum questioned hoping they would say yes. He hated seeing Ashton so upset all the time.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded.

"Are you more than friends?" Calum asked hopefully.

"No." Luke answered this time. He and Ashton exchanged glances.

"No." Calum repeated with a sigh.

"For now, just friends." Luke answered again.

"Okay, are either of you going to give me more info or am I going to have to keep dragging it out of you?" Calum huffed.

"That's all there is." Ashton shrugged.

"I'm starving, you two wanna go grab dinner?" Luke asked suddenly.

"Oh, dinner sounds good. Let's go get Jake." Ashton nodded eagerly slipping past Calum with Luke in toe.

Calum frowned in confusion. What was happening?

"Jake, come on, we're getting dinner." Luke said grabbing Jake and dragging him to the front door where Ashton was standing.

"What about Heather's part- Ashton?" Jake frowned.

"I was thinking Vanderbilt's down the road?" Ashton smiled.

"Wait, are you two talking again?" Jake frowned.

"It's better not to ask questions." Calum huffed as he lead Jake out behind Luke and Ashton.


"So what made you change your mind?" Calum asked Ashton as they sat at the table of a sub shop waiting for their food. The walk had been Calum and Jake trying to figure out if Luke and Ashton were together again without directly asking. They weren't sure.

"Umm, well...." Ashton pondered the question.

"Jealousy." Luke answered giving Ashton a small smirk.

"Jealousy?" Calum asked raising his brows. It wasn't like Ashton to get jealous.

"As it turns out I don't like other guys kissing him." Ashton shrugged as he fiddled with the straw in his glass.

"Who was kissing you?" Jake frowned looking at Luke quizzically.

"His name was Zayn. Really good looking. Average height. Dark hair. Piercing brown eyes. A gorgeous smile-"

"Ahem." Ashton cleared his throat interrupting Luke.

"Don't worry, he didn't compare to you." Luke winked at Ashton.

"Whoa, is that Luke or Jake talking?" Calum chuckled.

"I can be flirty too." Luke grinned.

"I just don't need to."

"Hey." Jake frowned at his brother earning a laugh from the other three.

"So what is the deal with you two? Are you dating again orrrrr...?" Jake glanced between Ashton and Luke. Neither one spoke right away.

"It's complicated." Ashton answered. Truth was they hadn't discussed it.

"Well do you still love each other?" Calum asked.

"I'll always love Ashton." Luke said honestly his blue eyes meeting Ashton's green ones.

"Despite my best efforts I can't not love Luke." Ashton sighed not breaking eye contact with Luke.

"Then why not give you two a try again?" Jake urged.

Ashton dropped his eyes to his lap and stayed quiet.

Luke didn't look away from the curly haired boy.

"Ashton, would you give me another chance? I promise I'll never do anything to hurt you again. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone and I can say that after not seeing you for almost a year." Luke spoke sincerely.

Ashton looked up at Luke once more. The hesitation evident in his eyes.

"I'll be honest, I'm afraid, but I know I won't be happy with anyone else. That was evident when I was with Harry." Ashton sighed.

"You weren't happy with him?" Luke asked with a frown.

"He couldn't have been more perfect. He was sweet, caring, sincere, not too clingy, not too distant, not jealous, completely honest all the time, he literally couldn't have looked better on paper. But I found myself comparing him to you. I loved the flaws that you had. I liked being the one to break your walls down, it felt more special." Ashton looked down at his lap again.

"I wanna try again, but let's take it slow, please." Ashton looked up to see a large grin on Luke's face causing his dimple to dig deep into his cheek.

"Of course." Luke nodded eagerly.

"About damn time." Calum let out a relived sigh.

"I guess I gotta stop calling you gorgeous now huh?" Jake pouted.

"Eh, I could always use the ego boost and let's be fair, flattery isn't Luke's strong point." Ashton winked earning a chuckle from Luke.

The end is verrry near. But I have another story up my sleeve. 😊

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