Few Days Prior (Part2)

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"Okay, you two smile." Ashley demanded holding up her camera. Luke and Ashton stood next to each other and smiled.

"You two are so perfect together, please date?" Ashley begged.

"Ashley, please don't say that in front of Jake. He gets jealous easily and he's had his eye on Ashton." Luke pleaded trying to ignore the look on Ashton's face.

"Okay, I won't say anything but you two would be better together. Just sayin'." Ashley shrugged. Luke licked his lips remembering the way Ashton's felt.

Ashton laughed lightly as he grabbed Luke's arm.

"Come on." Ashton said acting completely normal. Luke was thankful.

"Are you going to ride with me?" Luke asked biting his lip.

"Yeah, but you have to relax." Ashton said. Luke was already tense.

"I'll try." Luke nodded.

After three failed attempts Luke let out a frustrated sigh.

"I just don't think I'm cut out for this." Luke groaned.

"Luke wait." Ashton stopped Luke as he was about to walk back to shore.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" Ashton asked.

"What? No. Why do you think that?" Luke answered too quickly.

"Because you always tense under my touch." Ashton commented placing a hand on Luke's arm. Luke tensed unintentionally

"See?" Ashton sighed dropping his hand.

"Ashton, it's nothing personal, it's just-"

"Jake." Ashton cut in looking sadly at Luke.

"I'm sorry." Luke apologized. He felt bad.

"Luke, I told you I'm not interested in Jake. We aren't together. And it's not like we're doing anything wrong. I'm simply teaching you how to surf." Ashton said.

"I know, but I'm afraid to get too close to you. If you and Jake start dating that makes things weird for us." Luke said honestly. He couldn't hide the fact that he was scared to get too close.

"Luke, I know you told me not to mention it but I told you last night I was interested in you. I'm not gonna date Jake." Ashton shook his head. The words made Luke's head spin. He loved the idea that Ashton preferred him over Jake. No one ever did. But it wouldn't last.

"You say that but Jake always wind over whoever he's after." Luke pointed out.

"He won't win me over." Ashton insisted.

"How do you know?" Luke bit his lip ring. He wanted to believe Ashton.

"Because you already have." Ashton said taking a step towards Luke. Luke felt his heart skip a beat. Luke fought the butterflies that were starting in his stomach. He could not afford to have feelings for Ashton.

"Ashton." Luke sighed running a hand through his disheveled hair.

"Look, I promise not to act on those feelings if it makes you uncomfortable but please can't we at least be friends?" Ashton pleaded.

Luke chewed on his bottom lip. He knew being friends with Ashton would not end well. He let out a sigh.

"Fine. We can be friends." Luke nodded.

"Great, so this time don't think about the fact that the guy Jake likes is touching you, think about the fact that your friend is helping you surf. Jake isn't even around so nothing we do or say will ever get back to him." Ashton encouraged.

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