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Anakin carried me through the door. I was covered in dirt and bruises. 
"I'm so sorry." he muttered. 
"Anakin, it's fine. I promise." I swore. 
"I shouldn't have left you, it was stupid." I could tell Anakin was upset but I didn't want him beating himself up over this. 

He was walking me down the corridor when we bumped into my parents. 
"Corinna! What in Gods name happened to you?" my mother shouted. 
"I tripped during our hike." I lied. Anakin looked down at me before looking back at my parents. 
"You are never clumsy, you've always been so graceful." my mother said. I knew I couldn't lie to them ever. 
"What really happened?" my father asked Anakin. 

"She was attacked by the assassin again." He said, gulping the lump in his throat. 
"What happened to him?" he continued to ask. 
"He got away." Anakin said grimly. My father pursed his lips and nodded. 

"Help her to her room, I will send a nurse in. And then you, Mr. Skywalker, will tell me everything that happened." my father demanded. 

Anakin and I gave him a simple nod and continued off to my room. Once safely inside, Anakin looked down at me. 
"I failed you and your parents." he continued to beat himself up. And honestly it upset me greatly. 
"Anakin, I am alive and so are you. That's all that matters." I pushed myself off of him and limped in front of him. 

I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eye. It reminded me too much of our almost kiss. I shook that thought out of my head and focused on him. 
"Do not beat yourself up over this. I told you yesterday that I wanted time alone and you were only trying to make me happy." I started. 
"But I am grateful that you are here for me." he gave me a soft smile and helped me to my bed. 

"I promise I will do better next time Princess. I won't let anyone hurt you." He said before getting up and leaving to talk to my father. 

I knew my father would blame Anakin for this, and I didn't want that. Anakin didn't deserve to be blamed. 
"Miss Corinna." I heard a soft voice say from behind the closed door. 
"Come in." I yelled. A small built nurse scurried in. 

She ran to my side and began checking my vitals before looking down at my now purple ankle. 
"This may hurt a little." She said calmly before touching and lifting my ankle. I groaned in pain every time she moved it. 
"Good news it that it is only sprained ankle. Just rest and put some ice on it and it should get better." She said kindly before packing her stuff up and rushing out the door. 

I waited in bed for Anakin to come back from talking to my father. 
"Here is some ice for you Miss Corinna." my handmaiden named Lola said. I smiled and placed the bag of ice on my ankle. 
"Lola." I called after her. She turned back to face me. 

"Can you tell me what is going on downstairs?" I asked. 
"I wasn't listening to Mr. Skywalker and your fathers conversation. It wasn't my place." She said politely.

"Okay then help me downstairs." I demanded. 
"Miss you should be resting." 
"I demand you to help me." I said rudely. Lola nodded and rushed to my side. 

I threw my arm over her shoulder and limped down the staircase. I imagined that they were in the den talking so I had Lola help me over to the entrance. I stood against the wall so that they couldn't see me but I could hear them. 
"I can't believe you would leave her like that!" I heard my father shout. 
"I know Sir, it was unprofessional of me." Anakin said calmly. 
"Why would you do that? And what if you hadn't gotten to her in time?" I heard my mother ask. 
"I'm very sorry, I thought she needed time to her self and I was wrong. I got very lucky that I got there in time." Anakin said. 

"I knew we shouldn't have hired a brand new Jedi Knight." My father said less loudly. I had enough of this. I pushed Lola away and hobbled into the room. 
"It's not Anakin's fault." I hollered. Leaning on the chair Anakin was sitting on for support. 

"You are supposed to be upstairs resting." my father said. 
"Anakin did nothing wrong. It was my fault." I said. 
"How?" my mother asked. 
"Yesterday I told Anakin I wanted time alone and today he was just trying to make me happy. Anakin did his best to protect me and make me happy." I said in one breath. 

My parents sat there speechless. "He did nothing wrong." I said again. I looked down at him and saw him giving me a small smile."You will never leave her alone again, no matter how much she asks for time alone." my father told Anakin. "Yes Sir." Anakin stood up and threw my arm over his shoulder. 

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that for me." He muttered once we were in the halls. 
"Yes I did." I muttered back. He didn't reply and just helped me back into bed. 

He grabbed a spare pillow and stuffed it under my ankle before throwing a blanket over me. 
I giggled watching him take care of me like a mother. 
"What's so funny?" he asked. 
"Nothing." I lied. 

He started to head to the door but I didn't want him to leave.
"Anakin, wait." I called after him. 
"Yes Princess?"
"You can stay a little longer if you'd like." He smiled and looked down, deciding whether or not to stay. 

"I should go to bed soon. We can talk tomorrow." He smiled and turned back to the door. 

I had to admit that I was upset to watch him leave. But maybe it was for the best, I shouldn't get attached so easily.

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