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Time was lost where I was. I didn't know what time of day it was or even if it was day. I just sat on the cold hard black ground in complete boredom. It had felt like hours had passed since I saw that vision but it could have easily been a few minutes.

"Corinna?" I heard a soft disembodied voice coming from the distance. I quickly jumped to my feet and turned around in circles.

"Anakin?" I shouted out. This time the words escaped my lips but I still didn't know if he could hear me or not.

"Corinna, please come back to me." he cried out. I frowned and held back the heartbreaking tears. I knew he couldn't hear me now. I was forever lost in my own mind.

"I'm trying." I said in a low voice.

"It's only been a few days but I miss you so much." he said, I suddenly felt a warm grip on my right hand. So I had been trapped here for a few days? I sighed and collapsed to the ground in frustration.

"I have to go again, but I promise I will be back." Anakin said. The sudden grip on my right hand had disappeared. I reached out, not ready for him to leave me.

"No, Anakin come back." I cried out into the black nothingness. But he didn't return, he was gone and I was alone again.


I laid on the cold black ground and slept. My whole body ached in agonizing pain but I couldn't do a single thing about. A sudden warmth engulfed my body causing me to wake up to see what was going on. I was still surrounded by the darkness.

"Corinna, I'm getting you out of here." I heard the rushed voice say. I scrunched my eyebrows as I felt myself moving all around.

"Everything will be fine." the voice I recognized as Anakin said. I heard the sound of blasters in the distance and a bunch of yelling. What the hell was going on?

All of a sudden there was a small speck of light. Instead of waiting for it to come to me, I ran towards it. The light got bigger the closer I got to it until it surrounded me.


I opened my heavy eyes slowly to see a heaving Anakin above me. He was carrying me in his arms, running away from something or someone. I groggily turned my head to see what was behind him. Padmé and Obi-wan were running closely behind him. Obi-wan's lightsaber was shining brightly next to him. I turned my head back towards Anakin and tried to lift my arm to let him know I was awake. But my hand felt heavy and froze like a rock.

All of a sudden, Anakin stopped and began climbing into what looked like a ship. I parted my lips slightly to say his name.

"Anakin." I said in a wobbly voice. He looked down and stared into my eyes. His eyes growing immensely, then a soft smile appeared on his face. He laid me down on one of the seats and grabbed my hand tightly.

"I'm so happy you're awake." he said, tears filling his eyes slowly.

"What's going on?" I choked out.

"The bounty hunter brought backup." he explained, still smiling at me.

I looked down at my side that was in a slight amount of pain. I lifted the white, long sleeved shirt that I had on to see what happened. There was a large bandage on my side causing me to look up at Anakin for an explanation.

"The hunter shot you. Then you hit your head on the ground and you were asleep for a few days." he said, still holding my hand. I groaned as I lowered my shirt in pain.

"Okay, I'm going to go see if Obi-wan needs any help." he said before leaving me quickly. Suddenly my eyes became heavy again. I closed my eyes thinking I was tired.

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