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They say that your life flashes before you eyes as you face the brink of death. But you don't. As I thought about the fact that I would be falling to my death in the matter of minutes, all I saw was Anakin. His smile and his bright blue eyes, his caring touch and soft kisses flashed in my head.

While Annora carefully removed her hands from my neck, I gained a sudden need to survive. I couldn't end like this, I wasn't going to die at the hands of Annora. Before she had the chance to push me over the edge, I tackled her to the ground.

All of the pain I had felt earlier had disappeared. I crawled on top of her and balled my hand into a fist, slamming it hard into her cheek. I retracted my hand for another hit but she loosened her hand from under me and smacked me across the face. My body was tossed to the ground but I stumbled to my feet. Annora crawled up to her feet too, blood dripping from her face. Not a second later, she leaped towards me with her fist balled. Thinking that she was going to punch me, I stuck my hands up to protect my face from taking another blow. This allowed her to coil her hands around my wrist and bring her knee up to my stomach.

Her knee met my gut with a ton of force. I let out a horrid grunt, the feeling of throwing up was stuck in my throat as I collapsed to the floor. I was defeated, I couldn't stand to my feet this time. Annora stood above me, proud and angry.

"You just won't give up, will you?" she snapped. I couldn't utter a single word, instead I just stared at her while the feeling of blood filled my mouth. She climbed on top of me and with sheer force, she pounded her fist into my face. My body became limp as she stopped hitting me, my eyes were barely open and I wanted to close them so badly.

Annora stood straight up again, my blood dripped from her knuckles. I'm sure at this point my face was unrecognizable but I no longer cared.

"You put up a good fight princess." she said to me. I laid still on the cold floor, hoping that Anakin and Padmé were okay.

All of a sudden, the sound of a lightsaber igniting filled my ears. I opened my eyes as wide as I could and turned my head to see a shimmering blue light sticking out of Annora's chest. I glared in shock as the blue light retracted from Annora's body.

Her eyes were wide and her lips slighted partly as she collapsed to the ground next to me. I turned my head carefully to watch her take her last breath.

"Corinna." I heard someone shout with worry. My eyes burned and became heavy, I couldn't move my head anymore due to the excruciating pain banging against my skull.

"Corinna, don't fall asleep." the voice said, now becoming fuzzy. I felt someone press there hands on the sides of my face and turn my head to face them. I stared into his blue eyes which we no longer as bright as they used to be.

"Stay with me." he choked out.

"Anakin." I coughed out his name, feeling a little blood fall from the corner of my mouth.

"Everything will be fine." he said, a tear slipping from his eye. I lifted my hand up to his face and wiped it away with my thumb. I felt drained and tired as if I was hanging on by only a single thread.

Anakin didn't respond to me. Instead, he picked my up carefully. Supporting my legs with one hand and my back with the other. I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat fast. His body heat was radiating off of his and began to warm me up. His intoxicating scent filled my nose and relaxed me to the point where all the pain I was feeling slowly began to drift away. I closed my eyes slowly and began to drift off into a peaceful sleep.


I sat in the tall green grass and watched Anakin from a far. He bent down and plucked a single white flower. I leaned back on one arm and closed my eyes letting my other senses take over. The air smelled like fresh salt water and sweet fruits. A cool brisk brushed against my skin.

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