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I looked up to see hundreds of different of creatures walking through the city. I had never seen so many different species in one place. I tired to calm down and slow my breathing before anyone noticed. I touched my head wound again to see that the blood had dried. 

I scanned the area for a doctor or a medical center or somewhere I could get help. Some signs were in a language I couldn't read but I could tell it wasn't a place I could get help from. I turned to saw a person walking past. I stood in front of him t draw his attention. 

"Excuse me, I need help." I said. He looked at me and squinted his face. 

"Get out of the way." he snapped before pushing past me and walking away. I cringed and gave him a dirty look even though he couldn't see it. 

I looked up into the sky to notice that the suns were going down and it would be dark soon. I had no idea where to go or stay for the night seeing as I wouldn't be getting home anytime soon. I began walking, searching the stores and buildings I was walking past. All of them were either spare junk parts or bars. What kind of place was this? 

I figured it would be smart to walk into one of these bars to find a medical professional or maybe even someone who would take me back to Altre. I slowly entered the bar and looked around. The creatures here looked rough and scary, maybe this wasn't the best idea. I bit my lower lip and walked further in. I walked around the place a few times asking people if they could help me. All of them gave me dirty looks and shook me off. 

I sighed and walked up to a woman who had her back to me. I tapped on her shoulder and waited for her to turn around. 

"Excuse me miss-" I started but then closed my mouth when I recognized the woman. 

"Annora?" I exhaled. She got up and wrapped her arms around my neck. It was an odd gesture but I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled. 

"Thank goodness you're alive!" she shouted. 

"Alive? When I woke up you were gone, I thought you left me." I said. She chuckled and little and shook her head. There was a scratch on her cheek and anther one on her chin. 

"After the crash you were thrown from the pod. I even checked your pulse and I didn't feel anything." I squinted my eyebrows and pressed my lips together. 

"I didn't want to leave you but I heard someone coming so I had to run." 

"I got attacked by these scary things on the outskirts of town. And everyone here is so rude. I just wanted to get some help with my wound." I said, pointing to the prominent head wound and then slightly lifted my shirt to show her a giant bruise forming on my upper side. 

"We need to get you home." she said, getting a better look at the head wound. 

"It doesn't look deep but we should still get it cleaned." I nodded my head and looked around. 

"Why were you here?" I asked, we both walked over to an empty booth to sit down and rest for a little. 

"I was looking for a pilot to get me off of this planet." she scratched the back of her neck and sighed. 

"I just need to find a way to contact my family." I said. 

"If we find someone with a holoprojector then you can tell your family where you are." Annora said. 

"Where are we anyways?" I asked. Who would ever want to live on such a horrible planet? It was hot and people were rude and mean. 


My eyes grew wide when I remembered Anakin told me that he was born and raised here until the Jedi took him to Coruscant. Then I remember him telling about how his mother died here because of Tusken Raiders, those must have been the things that attacked me earlier. He was also a slave here, and so was his mother. 

"Anakin..."  I looked up and breathed out.

"What?" Annora said in a confused tone. 

I held my breath as I watched him walk in. He looked defeated and upset. 

"Anakin." I said with tears filling my eyes. I jumped up and ran over to the entrance where he stood.

He turned his head towards me and a smile appeared on my face when I saw his reaction. His entire face lit up. I ran into his open arms and cried into his chest. 

"I can't believe you're okay." he said into my hair. I pressed myself further into his chest and never wanted to let go. 

"I was so scared Anakin." I said. He pulled away from me and looked down at me. 

"I thought I would never see you again." he choked out. He placed his hands on either side of my face and smiled at me. 

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost you." he whispered. 

My heart swelled up as I saw the love in his eyes. I didn't know what to do, I felt like a puddle in his hands. Anakin looked at my lips and then back at my eyes. 

I stood up onto my toes and leaned into him. Our lips pressed together perfectly and this was something I had wanted for a long time. I cared for him and I knew the feelings were mutual. He brought me closer and I smiled into the kiss. 

I heard someone clear their throat from behind us so I pulled away and gave him a quick smile before turning my head. Annora stood there with a smirk on her face. 

"Hi, so um I think we should leave." she said nervously. 

"Why?" I asked, a little upset that she interrupted mine and Anakin's moment. 

"I looked out the window and saw some stormtroopers." she said. I looked at her confused. I had never heard of a stormtrooper before. 

"What is that?" I asked, looking back and forth between her and Anakin. 

"If we get spotted by one, we are all in big trouble." Annora said. A worry look was all over her face and I started to get worried. 

"Wait, who are you?" Anakin asked Annora.

"I'm Annora, I saved your little girlfriends life." Annora said quickly. 

"Oh we aren't-" I started before sighing ans shaking my head. 

"Never mind, we should get going." I said before Anakin grabbed my hand and walked out of the bar. 

Anakin looked around and made sure it was clear. 
"The ship is just right outside of town." Anakin whispered to me. I nodded and held on tighter to his hand and wrapped my other hand around his upper arm. Annora stood right behind us and looked the other way. 

"Okay let's go." Anakin whispered to us. We took off through the town and hid behind some shops and stands until it was cleared. 

In the distance I saw the ship and I had never been more relieved. All of a sudden I heard someone yelling at us. I turned my head over my shoulder to see the stormtroopers chasing after us. 
"They saw us!" Annora shouted. 

Anakin stopped abruptly and looked at me. 

"You and Annora, get on the ship. I'll hold them off." Anakin said. I shook my head rapidly before the stormtroopers started shooting at us. 

"Go!" Anakin shouted while grabbing his lightsaber and igniting it.  

Annora grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Anakin. She took off towards the ship and I looked back at Anakin. 

"Come on Corinna, he'll be fine." Annora said while pushing me onto the ship. 

I hesitated for a moment before rushing up onto the ramp and getting into one of the seats. Annora followed closely behind me and sat down in the seat next to me. I looked up to see one of the palace guards heading towards the cockpit. 

"Where's Master Skywalker?" one asked. 

"He's fighting off the stormtroopers." I said. 

"Let's go help him." the guard said to other one. They quickly got off the ship to help. 

"There's going to be a lot of them now that they know we're here." Annora said.  

I bit my lower lip and began to shake. If anything happened to Anakin, I don't know what I would do. 
"I have to help then." I said quickly. 

"What? No!" Annora shouted. I unbuckled myself from the seat and grabbed a blaster that was sitting near me. I raced off the ship before Annora could say anything. 

I held the blaster up as I walked down the ramp. There were dozens of stormtroopers, one of the two guards was on the ground moaning in pain whereas Anakin was blocking every shot. 

I began to shoot at the stormtroopers. One after the other fell to the ground after the laser made contact with them. Anakin turned around to see where the shots were coming from. He smirked at me before continuing to block the stormtroopers. 

Finally the last stromtroopers fell to the ground with a holler. I lowered the blaster and looked at Anakin, out of breath. 

"You're a good shot." Anakin said with a smirk. I chuckled while helping the injured guard back onto the ship. 

Once everyone was safely aboard, I turned to Anakin and kissed him on the cheek. 
"Let's go home."


what is this? idek. I wanted to make it seem like Corinna isn't just a weak little princess and that she could actually defend herself so that's why Anakin didn't really save her. 

do you guys even like this story anymore??

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