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I rushed into the palace where it was safe. Ahmet held me close as the palace guards began running around and grabbing extra weapons. All of a sudden, Obi-wan came into view. He found me and came up to my side. 

"I saw no sign of your father anywhere, but the guards are going to stay on high alert for the rest of the day." he spit out. I nodded my head and took a sigh of relief. 

"Thank you Master Kenobi." Ahmet said before I did. Obi-wan smiled and was called over by a guard. I turned to Ahmet. 

"I think I should get ready now." I said quickly. Ahmet nodded and let me go. 


"Wow miss, you look amazing." a handmaiden complimented as I looked in the full length mirror. The handmaiden stood behind me and smiled. I looked at the beautiful navy blue tight dress that flowed all the way to the ground. The sleeves were long and skin tight and the v-line neck set it off. My hair was in tight curls and a tiara rested on top my head. I smiled from ear to ear. 

"Thank you." I muttered. I flattened the dress down a little and carefully made my way out of the door and down through the corridor. Dozens of guards stood around the entire palace watching my every move. 

"Wow." Ahmet breathed the minute he saw me. I smiled and laughed slightly. I stood next to him and we hooked our arms together. Guards surrounded us as we began walking out of the palace and to a royal speeder. Ahmet and I got in the back while Obi-wan sat in the passenger seat in the front. Soon the speeder took off towards the town. 

My nerves began to go wild the closer we got to the town. I heard loud music coming from the town which caused me to sweat. I turned to Ahmet and looked at him with worry. 

"What if I don't make a good Queen?" I asked all of a sudden. Ahmet laughed and me and wrapped his arm around me. 

"You will make an amazing Queen. The people love you anyways." he said with another laugh. I sighed and closed my eyes. 

"You're right, I'm overreacting." I said, slightly laughing a bit. 

Soon we reached the town and I got out of the speeder with Ahmet next to me. We quickly rushed through the town. People were cheering and dancing around. I laughed at how much fun these people were having. 


I stood on a stage in front of hundreds of people. Everyone seemed so happy even with the events that happened not too long ago. I folded my hands in front of my body and looked around the entire crowd. Behind me, the head of the high council held a golden head piece. It was lavish and had many gems and jewels on it, honestly, it looked heavy. I kept a constant smile on my face as someone removed the tiara from my head and the head of the high council carefully placed the golden head piece on my head. 

He said some words that I couldn't comprehend because of my nerves. Suddenly, the crowd began to roar  with happiness. I gave a toothy smile and held my hand high, waving to the people. 

My eyes traveled through the crowd until it landed on a man who was separated from the rest. My smile disappeared as he started to look more suspicious. I turned my head towards Obi-wan before gesturing to the man. 

Obi-wan looked in that direction and began heading that way. I watched with worry as he placed his hand on his belt and pushed through the crowd. People continued to cheer and clap, unknowing of the man behind them. 
I watched in horror as the man drew a red lightsaber, Obi-wan rushed to him and ignited his lightsaber quickly. The crowd began turning around in horror from the sounds of the two men fighting. They began screaming and scattering away. I ran off the stage and to the side where Ahmet stood. All of a sudden, loud screeching came from the sky. Everyone looked up to see small fighter jets soaring through the air. 

"TIE fighters." Ahmet breathed next to me. I looked at him with worry. 

"What?" I asked. He looked down at me and grabbed my upper arm. He dragged me through the running crowd of people. 

"We should go to the palace!" I shouted over everyone's screams. Ahmet stopped and turned around to face me. 

"It's not safe there, that's were the TIE fighters will target." he said. I started taking deep breaths, I was panicking. 

Without warning, the fighter pilots above us began shooting down on the crowd. People started falling down and getting trampled by the others. People pushed passed Ahmet and I, nearly knocking me down. I stood on my tip toes to see Obi-wan looking around. He spotted me and raced through the crowd to get to me. 

"That man was your father. And he is a skilled Sith Lord." he said, out of breath. My jaw dropped and my eyes became wide. 

"What? How?" I choked out. Ahmet and Obi-wan stood clueless. 

"I don't know, but we have to get you out of here." Ahmet said. Ahmet grabbed my hand and took off, away from the crowd. Obi-wan followed closely behind us. 

I looked to the side to see a large command ship to landing on the ground. I stopped in my place and watched in horror as dozens of stormtroopers exited the ship. Ahmet turned around once he noticed that I wasn't behind him anymore. 

"Corinna, we have to go!" he shouted. I shook my head as I watched the stormtroopers shoot at the crowd. 

"They're all going to die!" I screamed. 

"We have to get you to safety." Ahmet said, standing in front of me to block my view of the chaos. 

"I have to help! It's my job." I shouted, pushing him out of the way. Suddenly, I felt a tight grip around my upper arm. Ahmet harshly turned my back around to face him. before I had a chance to protest, he picked me up and tossed my over his shoulder. I let out a short yelp as I hung upside down. I started beating on his back. 

"Let me go Ahmet!" I screamed as I hit him. He seemed unaffected by me hitting him. I suddenly became frustrated that I wasn't able to help my people, that they would all be dead soon. I started to cry, I gave up on hitting Ahmet and became limp. 

I knew Ahmet could hear my soft sobs but he didn't put me down. 

Eventually, I noticed that the sound of screaming and explosions had faded a bit. I could only hear the sound of twigs and leaves crunching under Obi-wan's and Ahmet's feet. 

"Please put me down." I said grimly. I heard a soft sigh before I suddenly became right side up again. I looked at Ahmet and started crying again.

"I just wanted to help." I said through my tears. Ahmet looked at me with pity. 

"I'm sorry Corinna." he muttered. I turned my head and looked at Obi-wan. 

He said nothing and continued leading us through the woods. I lifted my dress a little so that I wouldn't trip over it as I walked. I hated being treated like a spoiled princess who couldn't take care of herself or others. I had to do what was right. I looked for a way that I could get away from Obi-wan and Ahmet. I knew that they would never let me go and help. 

Ahead of us was a small ship. I looked at Obi-wan in confusion. 

"We're going to Coruscant. It's the safest place for you at the moment." he explained. I frowned and shook my head rapidly. 

"Not until we help." I demanded. 

"I called in for assistance, they will be here shortly. But we have to get you to safety first." Obi-wan said quickly. I sighed and pressed my lips together. 

"I have to make sure that my people will be okay." I said. Ahmet came up from behind me and pushed me onto the ship with force. I shouted and pushed against him. 

"Help is coming, but you have to get to safety." he muttered to me. 

I shouted at him and was able to free myself. Without hesitating, I raced back off the ship and through the woods. I heard footsteps chasing after me but I didn't bother looking. I picked up the ends of my dress as I ran through the trees. 

I reached the end of the woods and looked up to see smoke filling the sky. Stormtroopers raced everywhere and shot anyone who ran past. I coughed due to the amount of smoke from a large fire. I left the safety of the trees and stood out in the open when I realized that I had no protection. 

I nearly tripped on a dead stormtrooper. I looked down and noticed that he had a prominent slash mark across his body. It must have been from a lightsaber, but I didn't remember Obi-wan striking down any stormtroopers. I grabbed his blaster from his cold hand. 

"There she is!" I heard the monotone voice of a stromtrooper yell. I turned around to see three of them heading my way. They began shooting but missed each shot. I lifted the blaster in my hand and shot three times, knocking each one down in the matter of seconds. 


I snapped my head to the side from the sound of my name. Ahmet ran out of the woods and raced t my side. He held a blaster in is right hand tightly and scanned the surrounding area. 

"It's dangerous out here." he said sternly. 

I didn't reply, instead, I raced towards more stormtroopers and shot them in the backs. They went down with hollers and groans. I looked around for signs of anyone, but it seemed like they had all disappeared. 

I saw a group of stormtroopers in the distance getting back onto a command ship. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. 

"Why are they leaving?" I asked, not turning around to face Ahmet. I was confused knowing that almost everyone got to safety. 

"I don't kno-" Ahmet stopped halfway through his sentence. I heard a gasp escape his lips causing me to turn around. I threw my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming in horror. 

Ahmet looked down at the end of the red lightsaber that was sticking through his chest. I began to shake, terrified at the sight.

His brown eyes met mine before the lightsaber retraced. 

"Ahmet!" I screamed as he fell to the ground, his body limp and lifeless. Standing behind him was my father. 

A few tears slipped from my eyes. 

"Sorry I had to kill your new husband, darling." my father said, chuckling at the end. I pressed my lips together and gritted my teeth. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. He stepped over Ahmet's body and inched closer to me. 

"You were going to eventually become Queen. And then I would no longer be in charge and I couldn't have that." he said. I cringed and forced myself to stop shaking as he got closer. 

"I hired someone to kill you, but when he failed the first time...I had to seem like a good father, so I hired a Jedi Knight. I knew Anakin wasn't very skilled, so I hoped that he would fail at protecting you some time." he said with a disgusting smile. 

"So you did this to me just so you could stay in power?" I asked. He scoffed and turned his back towards me. 

"I was going to kill you and then your mother. And I would be in full control. I would build an Empire and rule the Galaxy!" he shouted. 

I was disgusted at this man. How could one be so obsessed with power that it would cause them to kill the people they love?

"And now I'm going to kill you." he said, turning back around and igniting the red lightsaber. I jumped backwards and accidently dropped the blaster in the process. The man that I once called my father, stormed towards me. I continued to back up, I couldn't gain any balance whatsoever. 

Suddenly, I tripped over a dead body and fell onto my back. I scooted backwards the closer my father got. 

"You cannot escape now!" 

My lungs began burning for oxygen. My father stood above me causing me to give up. I was weak, I should have listen to Ahmet and Obi-wan. If I did, Ahmet would still be alive and I wouldn't be in this position. I closed my eyes as he lifted the burning red lightsaber. 

All of a sudden, the sound of a loud clash caused me to open my eyes. My father was no longer above me but swinging at Obi-wan. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, I rushed to my feet as Obi-wan continued to block each hit my father gave him. 

My dress was torn and dirty, but that was the least of my worries. I scattered for the blaster that I dropped. 

I ran past Obi-wan and my father as the interlocked their lightsabers. I picked up the blaster and aimed it at my father. I shot quickly and watched it graze his arm. 

The blast caused him to be knocked back a little which gave Obi-wan a chance to swing. My father blocked him again with his other arm. He pushed Obi-wan back a little and kicked him square in the chest. I gasped as Obi-wan fell to the ground with a thud. 

My father stood above him this time with a smirk on his face. I jumped up to my feet and ran over to Obi-wan. Before I had a chance to shot the blaster, my father raised his hand towards me. My whole body became frozen, I couldn't move at all. I struggled trying to move my arm to shoot the blaster but it was like I was being tied down. 

My father raised his lightsaber and started to swing down. Right before his lightsaber met Obi-wan's neck, a flash of blue met with the dark red. My eyes traveled up to the person holding the blue lightsaber that blocked my father's red one. 




oh and in loving memory of Ahmet... 

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