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I sat at the dining room table and finished my food quickly. Ahmet sat across from me and carefully watched me. At first, I was a bit disturbed by it but I wasn't anymore. 

"Why are you staring at me?" I laughed. Ahmet looked away with a small and adorable laugh. 

"Sorry." he muttered as his cheeks turned to a soft pink. I smiled and pushed my empty plate back a little. 

"How's Paxton doing?" he asked, changing the subject. 

"Just fine, he was happy to be with his grandmother again." I said quietly. Honestly I missed the little kid. 

Ahmet stuffed his face with food and looked at me while chewing carefully. 

"I was thinking..." he stared. He had to stop to swallow the food. 

"We should hire some Jedi Knights to protect you. After all, your father is still out there." Ahmet said. 

I bit my lower lip. 

"I think I'm just fine with the palace guards." I said quickly. I never told Ahmet about Anakin and I. Why would I?

"Well, it's too late... I already hired two very well trained Jedi."

I hit my palm against my forehead and pressed my lips together to keep myself from screaming. 
"What are their names?" I asked. 

"Obi-wan Kenobi and the Jedi that used to protect you...What's his name again?" 

I sighed and closed my eyes carefully. 

"Anakin Skywalker." I muttered. 

This was going to be horrible. 


I anxiously awaited the arrival of Obi-wan and Anakin. What were the odds that they would be the ones protecting me again? I pressed my lips together as two guards walked in with the Jedi behind them. 

"Your majesty." one of the guards said, moving aside for me to get a better look at the Jedi.

"Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker. It's a pleasure to see you two again." I said with a smile. 

"Your highness." Obi-wan said, slightly bowing. Anakin stared at me for a long time but I pretended to ignore him for the time being. 

Suddenly, Ahmet came into the room and stood next to me. 

"Ah,  I'm glad you had a safe trip here." Ahmet said, shaking the hands of the two.

"Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker. This is my husband...Ahmet." I introduced the three. 


I sat in the den and started reading a new book. I was too focused on the book to noticed that someone walked in until they stood in front of me. I looked up from the book and met the blue eyes of Anakin. 

My heart skipped a beat as he sat down next to me. 

"Why did you hire me?" he asked quietly. I closed and set the book down. 

"I didn't hire you, Ahmet did. And he thought that since you've already worked for me that it would b a smart idea to hire you again." I said, trying to seem calm. 

"Are you happy with him?" Anakin asked after a short moment of silence. I looked over at him and frowned. 

"Of course not. I want to be with you Ani." I said, scrunching my eyebrows. 

"I could tell that Ahmet likes you." Anakin said, slightly chuckling after. 

"He doesn't even know me." I said quickly. 

"The way he looked at you...it was the same way I look at you." Anakin rested his hand on mine. I missed the feel of his skin on mine, I just missed everything about him. 

"I love you Anakin, not him." I muttered. Anakin looked me in the eyes and smiled slightly. 

I leaned in, Anakin doing the same. Soon over faces were only inches apart. I parted my lips as he attached his to mine. Slowly, our lips moved in sync until Anakin pulled away quickly. 

"We can't. You're married now." he said slightly. I frowned before jumping to my feet. 

"I'll be leaving now." I said, quickly leaving the room. 

Ahmet was standing in the living room with the head of the high council. They both turned their heads towards me as I walked in. 

"Ah! Corinna, my dear. We were discussing the coronation for you." Ahmet said, rushing over to me and wrapping his arm around my back. 

"Yes, it shall be held tomorrow. And then you will officially be crowned Queen of Altre." the head of the high council said with a smile. 

I pressed my lips together and nodded slightly. 

"Thank you. I will be honored to take my place on the throne." I said properly. 

The man nodded with a smile and shook mine and Ahmet's hand before leaving us two. I moved Ahmet's hand off my back and turned my whole body to face him. 

"Thank you for hiring the Jedi, but I think I'm doing just fine without them. I shall be sending them home." I said. Truth is, I did need them but it was too awkward with Anakin here. 

"I'm sorry my dear, but they shall be staying until your father is found and put in prison."

I sighed knowing that this was a pointless argument. 

"Very well then." I choked out. 

Ahmet smiled and kissed me on the forehead before exiting the living room in a hurry. I stood in the middle of the room for a moment before hearing yet another person enter the room. I turned around to see Obi-wan standing in the doorway. 

"Master Kenobi. What can I do for you?" I asked. He strolled over to me with his hands folded behind his back. 

"I need to talk to you about Anakin." he said. I gave him a fake smile and sat down on one of the couches. Obi-wan sat on the couch across from me and rested his hands on his knees. 

"He loves you..." he started but I interrupted before he was able to continue. 

"I know, and I love him." I spit out. 

Obi-wan looked taken aback from my sudden outburst. 

"Sorry." I mumbled. 

"I can tell that he is in agony now that you are married. Which is why I am sending him on another mission. I will be able to protect you by myself. But Anakin does not need this kind of pain, it will lead him down a very dangerous path." 

I nodded my head, I was happy Anakin would be leaving, he wasn't the only one in agony. But I also didn't want to see him go already. 

"That will be for the best." I choked out, struggling to find the words. Obi-wan smiled slightly and got up. I too got up and walked with Obi-wan out of the room. 

"Thank you for everything you're doing." I said quickly to Obi-wan. He nodded his head and placed his hand on my shoulder. 


I leaned against the railing on my balcony and looked over the fields. It was quiet and getting late. I sighed and took in a deep breath. Suddenly I felt as if someone was behind me. I turned my head quickly. Anakin stood in the doorway with a careful smile on his face. 

"Sorry for disturbing you." he muttered. I slightly laughed and shook my head. 

"You didn't disturb me. In fact, I enjoy your presence." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. Anakin strolled onto the balcony with a smile still on his lips. 

"I wanted to tell you that I will be leaving tomorrow morning." he said calmly. I frowned and bit. 

"Before my coronation?" I asked. He nodded his head causing me to frown more. 

"Oh, please stay Ani. I would love to have you there." I begged. He stood there hesitantly for a minute. 

"Okay, for you." he said. I smiled from ear to ear and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

I whispered a 'thank you' in his ear while I was hugging him. His strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I missed this feeling that Anakin gave me. I pulled away slowly but stopped a few inches away from his face. I stared into his beautiful blue eyes for a long moment. 

Slowly, Anakin leaned closer to me and filled the space between us. Our lips attached hungrily as my hands drifted from his neck to the sides of his face. His hands pulled me closer to his body the longer we kissed. 

Too soon did I feel him detach his lips from mine. I kept my eyes closed for a second trying to remember the feeling of his lips on mine because I didn't know when I would get to kiss him again, if ever. 

"I shouldn't have done that." Anakin muttered. I opened my eyes slowly. 

"You're married now and we can't be together." he continued. He had said this the last time we kissed and it hurt all over again. 

"But I love you." I cried out. How come I couldn't get that through his head?

"You can't love me." 

My lips parted slightly and a short scoff escaped my lips. 

"I can't just pretend that I don't love you." I stated. "And I know you feel the same." I said. He was at a loss for words, I could tell. 

The awkward silence filled the surrounding air quickly. My heart pounded quickly as I waited for Anakin to respond. 

"Tell me you love me and I will leave Ahmet. I can declare someone else to take my place as ruler. We can be together." I said, ready to give up everything for him. Anakin's eyes widened a bit.

He parted his lips to say something but them closed them again. 

"Tell me that you love me and I will leave it all." I said again. Anakin tilted his head slightly and looked up at me. The look on his face gave me a bad feeling. 

"I-I" he started, trying to find the words. 

"I don't love you." 



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