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My body ached and my head felt fuzzy and cloudy. Anakin's hand hadn't left mine for what felt like forever but I still had no way of showing him I was okay.

"Corinna..." I heard Anakin start, his voice drifting off slowly.

"If you can hear me, I want you to know that I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you." he said. My mind immediately snapped to my dream. He had said that to me in my dream but then I remembered what he had said before. That he couldn't have me and be a Jedi Knight.

"I just want to see you smile again." he confessed, squeezing my hand tightly. Suddenly, I heard the door open and then close a second later.

"Anakin." I heard another male voice speak up. Anakin's hand dropped mine as he stood to his feet quickly.

"Obi-wan, what's wrong?" Anakin asked quickly. There was a moment of silence before Obi-wan spoke up again.

"There's a problem with-" Obi-wan started but cut himself off.

"The Council would like to see you right now." Obi-wan said. I heard Anakin mutter an 'okay' and then walk out. I started to get worried and nervous. What could the council want? Why did Obi-wan sound so worried? My mind began to ponder what had happen.


I sat in my motionless body for what felt like hours. I had tried just about everything to figure out how to move or speak or even open my eyes. It had gotten frustrating at this point.

And then suddenly, I felt it.

My hand twitched and I had actually felt it move. I got excited and tried to make my fingers move again. Slowly, my index finger bent and then went back to its resting position. I then tried to open my mouth. Carefully, my lips tore apart to allow air to escape through my mouth. Attentively, I opened one eye then the other a second later. I stared straight up at the ceiling. I pushed my hands to my sides and slowly pushed my way up right. The entire room was a sickening white, even the clothes on my body were right.

I turned my body and flung my legs over the side of the bed. My bare feet touched the cold tile ground causing me to shiver. I stood up onto my weak legs and tried to gain some sort of balance. I limped across the room and over to the white door. Slowly, I turned the knob and opened the metal door.

As I exited the room, nurses of all kinds of creatures raced around the white halls. Medical droids zoomed in and out of rooms quickly.

"Ms. Camarie. You should be in bed." a feminine voice said to me, placing her warm hands on my arm for support. I looked over at her oddly.

"What happened?" I uttered, my voice was rasp and rough.

"Miss, you need to lay down and rest." the nurse said, not answering my question. The nurse lead me back to the room I woke up in and pushed me down into the bed. I sat back on the bed as she tossed the white blankets over my legs.

"Wait, where is the man that was in here earlier?" I asked the nurse before she left. The blonde turned around as she stood in the doorway to face me.

"He hasn't been here for a few days." she said before walking out of the white room. I pressed my back against the wall and frowned. The last thing I remember was there was something wrong and the Jedi Council had to see him.

Suddenly, the white metal door swung open. I snapped my head towards the door to see Padmé rushing in. A bright smile sat on her lips the moment she saw me awake.

"Corinna! I'm so happy that you're finally awake." she raced to my side and embraced me in a hug. My side hurt a little as she squeezed causing me to let out a little yelp. Padmé quickly released me and pressed her fingers to her lips.

"I'm so sorry." she said. I laughed slightly and shook my head.

"No, it's okay." I said. Padmé smiled and looked down at me carefully and pulled up a white chair to sit by my side.

"Where's Anakin?" I asked immediately after she sat down. Padmé pressed her lips tightly together and broke eye contact with me. After a long moment of silence, I called out Padmé's name again.

"Padmé, what happened to him?" I asked. She looked up and me with a frown on her face.

"Um-Apparently, before Anakin killed Annora...she told the Jedi Council about-" she started. I listened to her shaky voice carefully.

"What did she tell them?" I asked, nearly shouting with anger.

"She told them about you and Anakin."


sorry for the short chapter but this was kinda rushed! anyways I think this story is going to be over with soon but idk how many chapters will be left.

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