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I rolled over in bed and groaned. 
"Miss, you must get up." I heard a handmaiden say. I threw my covers over my head and groaned again.
"Can't I stay in bed." I whined.
"I'm sorry Miss, but no." I sighed and eventually pulled the covers down. 

I sat up in bed and watched the handmaiden dig through my closet to find something for me to wear. She grabbed a light blue dress that went all the way down to the floor. It had a sweetheart neckline and straps that tied behind my neck. 
"Your mother wants you to wear this." she said, holding it up for me to see.
"Why?" I asked. 
"I don't know Miss." the handmaiden laid it out on my bed and rushed out of my room. 

I got out of bed and put the dress on while letting my hair down. I looked in the mirror before leaving the room. As I was stepping into the hall, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Anakin smiling down at me.
"Oh sorry, Anakin." I laughed and felt my cheeks heat up.
"It was my fault Princess." he smirked. 

"I told you not to call me that." I groaned.
"I like calling you Princess." he chuckled. 
"Then I need to give you a nickname." I said before beginning to make my way down the hall. 
"Call me Ani." he suggested. I looked at him and laughed.
"Ani?" I questioned.

"My mother called me that when I was younger." 
I smiled and nodded my head.
"I like it. "

He chuckled and continued to walk down the corridor with me. Silence quickly filled the surrounding air. I could feel Anakin's eyes burning into my skin. 
"You look nice today." he said suddenly. I felt my cheeks turn pink and a cheeky smile formed on my face. 
"Thank you Ani." I said. 

"You've never mentioned your mother before now." I said randomly. "Why?" I pushed on. 
He looked down at me with sad eyes, obviously I hit a soft spot.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" 
"No, no it's fine." Anakin said. 
"She died a few years ago, in my arms." 

"I'm so sorry Anakin." I placed a hand on his shoulder and stopped in the middle of the hall. He turned to look at me. 
"It was a long time ago." he said lightly. I couldn't think of anything to say. 

His blue eyes stared into my hazel eyes. It felt like a long time since either of us had said anything, so I cleared my throat and began walking down the hall again. 
"I'm hungry, we should head to the dinning room." I said. 


I stuffed the last piece of breakfast into my mouth and chewed quickly. 
"You two have anything planned for today?" my mother asked, smirking at me and Anakin. 
"No." I blurted out. 

"Well, the winter festival is today." my mother said. I rolled my eyes playfully. 
"The winter festival?" Anakin looked at me and then at my mom hoping one of us would explain what it was. My mother was the first to speak up.
"Every year the towns people throw a festival all day long." she explained. I turned to Anakin and saw a smile on his face. 
"I'd love to go." he said. 

I sighed and squinted my eyes at my mother. 
"It's so much fun!" my mother shouted. 
"I'll just go get my cover and I guess we can head into town then."  I said. 

I excused myself from the table and rushed back to my room. I dug through my closet and found my furry white cover and wrapped it around my shoulders. I rushed back into the hall and glanced at Anakin. We began walking back down the hall and out the door. 

I stepped out of my warm home into the cold. There was a slight breeze which made it colder than it actually was. A few inches of snow laid on the ground. I walked down the icy path and struggled not to slip. 

I heard Anakin's laugh behind me as I glided ungracefully across the ice. I turned my head and laughed. 
"Come on Ani!" I shouted. 

He hesitated but eventually stepped onto the ice. I watched him slide across the ice and he was actually doing better than I was. That was until he got cocky. He smirked at me and stood up straight. 
"I'm a natural." he said. 

He took another step and his foot slipped from underneath him. He fell hard onto the ground and groaned in pain as I laughed at him. 
"Are you okay?" I asked in between my laughter. 

"No." he groaned. I awed and stuck my hand out to help him. 

Anakin grabbed my hand and smirked before pulling my down on top of him. I continued to laugh and didn't make an effort to move. I felt his warm arms wrap around my waist. Eventually our laughter died down and it was just me on top of Anakin, staring into his blue eyes. 

I cleared my throat to say something but was interrupted by Anakin pushing me down closer to him. Our lips attached and moved in sync. I held his face in between my hands and kissed him more aggressively.

I pulled away and sat up on him. I touched my lips and frowned. 
"We can't do this." I muttered before getting off of him all the way. 

He got up and grabbed my hands. 

"Why not?" 

"You said it yourself. You can't get attached, it's against the Jedi Code." I said before pulling away and turning my back to him. 

"Come on, we're going to miss the festival." 


sorry it took awhile to update, I've been working on my other story and I haven't had a lot of motivation to write this story. 

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