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Corinna rolled over in the bed she shared with her husband Anakin. He was sleeping peacefully and soundly whereas she couldn't seem to fall asleep yet. She admired his features, his hair was a mess as it rested on the white pillow. 

"Mommy." Corinna heard the soft voice of her daughter. Corinna sat up in the bed and looked towards the doorway where the six-year old stood. 

"What's wrong sweetie?" she asked kindly. The little girl trotted over to her mothers side of the bed. 

"I can't sleep." the little girl complained. Corinna smiled down at her sweet little girl before picking her up and bringing her onto the bed. 

"Do you want me to tell you a story?" she asked her daughter. The little girl shook her head which caused her long brown hair to flop all over the place. Corinna wrapped her arms around the small child before standing to her feet. 

She carried the child to her bedroom. It was quiet and dark in the palace but the little girl felt safe in her mother's arms. The little girl rubbed her eyes and yawned wide. 

"Get into bed." Corinna told her daughter before setting her down. The little brown haired girl skipped to her small bed. She climbed in and Corinna tossed the covers over her daughter. Corinna sat on her bed next to her child and stroked her hair slowly as the little girl shifted to get comfortable. The little girl closed her eyes as her mother began to hum the tune to the child's favorite song. As she hummed, she tucked the strands of brown hair behind the child's ear. Soon the girl was asleep and Corinna slowly left the bedroom.

Corinna closed the door and headed back to her own room. But before she entered her room, she heard the sound of another door opening. 

"Mom?" she heard another voice say. Corinna turned her head to see the little blonde boy standing outside his room. She sighed slightly. 

"I can't sleep either." he said. Corinna smiled to herself before heading over to his room.


The bright sun shined through the curtains into Corinna and Anakin's bedroom. She groaned as she rolled over. Her eyes slowly opened to see that Anakin was no longer next to her. Corinna lifted herself onto her elbows as she tried to wake up more. 

"Good morning Corinna." Anakin said while entering their room. She smiled at her husband before getting out of bed and wrapping her arms around his neck. 

"I love you Ani." she purred. Anakin smiled down at her before kissing her soft lips. 

"I love you too." 


Soon, the sun went down on Altre. Anakin and Corinna sat on one of the couches in the den and watched the fire in the fire place roar. Anakin's arm was draped around Corinna's shoulder. She leaned into his body and rested her tired head on his shoulder. 

"Mommy! Daddy!" the couple heard their children shout as they entered the room. The two children crawled in their laps and joined in on watching the fire. Anakin and Corinna met each others eyes for a second before sharing a loving kiss. 

Corinna had fallen asleep in her comfortable position a moment later. The two children were alos sound asleep...only Anakin was awake. He looked down at his wife who was sleeping peacefully. The dim light from the fire shined on her soft features. Anakin thought that she looked even more beautiful than ever. 

He then looked down at his son who was sitting in his lap. The blonde boy's head was resting against Anakin's chest. His daughter was resting in the safety of her mother's arms. He smiled at his perfect little family which caused warmth to fill his heart. 

While sitting here watching his family sleep peacefully in his arms, he realized that he could never let them go. Not in even for a second because the thought of losing them terrified him. This is all he's ever wanted in life. And soon Anakin fell asleep too. 

This is how it was supposed to be. 


Okay it's officially the end of the story! I'm so sad that it's over but also happy to have it all wrapped up. Once again I hope you guys enjoyed it and liked it. I had fun writing it. Please check out my other stories if you'd like. Thank you all for reading Highness!

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