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The suns rose on Tatooine earlier than what I was used to. I groaned as I rolled out of the slightly uncomfortable bed. I had noticed that Anakin was no longer in the bed next to me, he must have gotten up just a few minutes before me because there was still a slight indentation in the bed where he had slept.

I left the spare room and headed over to the small dining room.

"Good morning Corinna." Padmé said with a smile. I smiled back at her and looked around for Anakin. He was no where to be seen.

"He is outside." Obi-wan said, as if he could read my mind. I thanked him and quickly exited the sand hut.

I held my hand up to block the sudden brightness from the sun. Once my eyes adjusted to the sunshine, I looked around for Anakin.

In the distance, he was looking over the moisture farm that his family owned. He looked so peaceful in this moment. I walked up behind him and rested my hand on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly to meet my eyes.

"Good morning." he hummed.

"Good morning." I said back in a low whisper. He turned back towards the moisture farm and focused hard on it. I was lost as to what made him so interested in this small farm. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close.

"Sometimes I wish I was never taken to become a Jedi." Anakin said after a brief moment of silence. I looked up at him oddly.

"Why?" I asked.

"I wonder too often about what my life would have been like if I hadn't become a Jedi." he said grimly.

"I bet it wouldn't have been that interesting." I said with a slight laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

"I also wouldn't have met you." he said, joining in on the laughter.

Soon, silence filled the surrounding air. I suddenly began to remember my dream I had, the one about me dying. I sighed and pushed myself away from Anakin for a moment.

"Ani, I have to ask you something." I said quickly. He looked worried for a moment but then brushed it off of his face so he wouldn't worry me anymore.

"I had a dream when we were on the ship." I started, unsure on what to say.

"What was it about?" he asked, walking closer to me to comfort me.

"It was in the future. And there was a battle on my home planet." I gulped down the lump that had grown in my throat. Remembering the dream made me feel sick all over again.

"And I was dying. Ani, it felt so real." I cried out, suddenly a feeling of extreme worry rushed over me. He engulfed me into a hug and held me tightly.

"It was just a dream Corinna." he said. But I could tell that he didn't quite believe that was true.

"But it felt so real Ani. I'm afraid it will actually happen." I cried into his shoulder. He squeezed me tighter.

"I'm scared Ani." I said, finally calming down a bit. Anakin pulled away from me and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I promise that I won't let anything bad happen to you."


I sat across from Padmé at the cantina table. It was fairly busy here, creatures of all times chattered to others. I sipped on the drink in the cup that was placed in front of me. It was some weird blue colored liquid that I was unfamiliar with but Anakin told me that it was one of the best drinks here.

"It's only been a day and I'm already bored on this planet." Padmé said with a laugh. A short exhale escaped my lips in the sound of a tired laugh.

"It's so hot here. I think I might melt." I joked causing Padmé to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Obi-wan and Anakin are searching for more information on the bounty hunter." Padmé changed the topic of discussion.

"Can't we just catch a break?" I complained. It seemed like every time we got rid of one problem, another one arose.

"I guess that's the life as a Queen and a Senator." Padmé said sadly. I shrugged my shoulders and leaned on the table. I played with the rim of my cup and my mind began to wander.

Padmé and I haven't said a word in awhile and it was beginning to get awkward. Suddenly she spoke up.

"You love him, don't you?" she said lightly. I sat up straight and looked her in the eyes.

"Of course I do." I said awkwardly. I was confused as to why she would ask me this. She looked sad for a moment but looked down at her folded hands that rested on the table.

"Good, he deserves to be happy." she started.

"And I can tell he's happy when he's with you." I smiled at her kind words but I could also tell she was upset.

"Anakin told me that you and him have a history." I choked out. Maybe Padmé would tell me more about what happened between them. She looked back up at me and her eyes widened.

"That was some time ago."

"I know it was about three years ago because you came here with him last time." I said, trying to get more information.

"And you knew him when he was a child." I continued.

"Yes, I did. And I came here when he was searching for his mother three years ago." she confessed. Truthfully, I hadn't felt effected by this. I didn't bother asking her if she would tell me more about their relationship, I didn't want to seem like a jealous and petty girl.

Before I was even able to think of what to say, Anakin slid into the booth next to me.

"Obi-wan thinks he found a clue to the threat." he chirped.

"What did he find?" I asked.

"The bounty hunter is being paid a lot of money to kill both of you. But by who? We don't know yet." he said. I rolled my eyes at the obvious information.

"Anything else?" Padmé asked with a stiff laugh.

"He has reason to believe the bounty hunter is Annora." Anakin said, looking at me.

"Who?" Padmé asked. My mouth hung open. How did she even get out of prison?

"Why? How? What?" I had so many questions, all I know couldn't be answered.

"Right now we're trying to figure out whose paying her and why they want both of you dead." Anakin said, now addressing both of us.

"Maybe she wants revenge for the masked man. She was romantically involved with him." I said.

"Maybe, but that still doesn't explain why she's after Padmé too."

I pressed my lips in a firm line.

"Does she know we're here?" I asked.

"Not that we know of. But Annora's smart, she'll figure it out soon enough. After all she was here with you for sometime." Anakin said, folding his arms across the table. He seemed oddly calm today, after finding out this news and then me telling him about my dream earlier today.

"But I know that if she finds us, she won't be alone."


hey guys! I'm back for now :) I have some idea on what is going to happen, and I don't think there will be too many chapters left idk yet. but i'm sorry for this sucky chapter, I was trying to work out a tough spot in the story. I still hope you guys enjoyed.

thank you so much for over 7k reads and so many votes and comments! ily.

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