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Anakin and I sat next to each other in the cave staring at the calming water. For a moment I had completely forgotten he was there. 

"I'll be waiting outside." He said getting up. I looked up at him and already missed his presence next to me. 
"Wait." I whispered but the echo of the cave made it sound much louder. He turned to look at me with a soft smile. 
"Don't leave." I begged. 
"I thought you wanted time to yourself?" 
"I know but I don't mind if you stay here." I said casually. I didn't want him knowing I actually liked talking to him. 

He sighed and sat back down next to me. I tucked my knees to my chest and placed my hands on top of them. 
"Have you ever swam in this water?" Anakin asked out of nowhere. 
"No, I was always scared that there was something lurking under the surface." I chuckled. The water was too murky to see anything. 
"I'm sure it's fine." He laughed. 

"How about you jump in and see?" I said jokingly. A smirk appeared on his face as if he was taking my job as a challenge. He stood up and started removing clothes, my eyes got big. He left a thin undershirt and shorts on before jumping off the rock and into the water. 

"Anakin?" I yelled out after he hadn't returned to the surface in a while. Suddenly his head popped up and he started laughing. 
"Come on!" He shouted at me. 
"What if there's something in there?" I groaned. 
"I'll be able to sense it, don't worry princess. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you." 

I shook my head and looked down at what I was wearing. 
"I'm not properly dressed." Anakin rolled his eyes at me and stuck his hand out. 
"Fine then, help me out." I nodded and grabbed his wet, slippery hand. 

As I started to pull him, he used all his strength to pull me down and into the water. I screamed and sucked in as much breath I could before my head went under. I pushed off the bottom and boosted my self out of the water. 
"Anakin! Why did you do that?" I shouted at him while trying to get more air into my lungs. He just laughed like crazy. 
"I'm sorry princess, I just wanted you to have some fun." he chuckled. 

"My dress is ruined now." I whined.
"You have plenty more." he had a point. 
"I will get you back for this." I splashed water into his face and giggled. 


I laid in the sun trying to dry myself off before heading back to the palace. Anakin laid next to me trying to do the same. 
"How long do you think it will be until they catch the assassin?" I asked. 
"I don't know, hopefully soon." I heard Anakin say. I turned my head to look at him. 
"Do you not like protecting me?" I asked a little hurt. He turned his head so that we would be looking each other in the eye. 
"No it's just that I have other things I'd like to do. More missions." he explained. 
"Oh." I said lightly. 

The rest of the time was silent but it was a nice silence. It gave me time to think and I liked thinking. 
"We should go back in. It's getting a bit late." Anakin said, standing up and dressing himself. I hadn't even noticed that time flew by and the sun was already going down. 

I got up and followed him to the palace. 


I rubbed my sore eyes and sat up in bed. 
"You're up late miss." A handmaiden said, strolling into my room. 
"I know, I had a long day yesterday." I said politely. 
"What do you have planned for today miss?" She asked. I threw the sheets off my body and got up. 
"Maybe go for a hike in the mountains." I lied. I was really going to go do some hunting. 

My parents never allowed me to hunt, mostly because they said it was a mans job. 
"Sounds lovely. I'll inform your parents and Mr. Skywalker of you plan." She said before leaving and closing the door behind her. 

I grabbed a long sleeved light brown shirt that reached to my belly button and then a pair of dark brown pants and black boots. I slipped them on and pulled my hair into a ponytail. 

In the back of my closet was a bow and a quiver full of arrows. My grandfather made these for me before he died. He always knew I loved to go out and do some target practice. 

I slipped the quiver over my shoulder and then the bow on top of it. Quietly, I snuck out of my room and down the corridor. Knowing my parents they would be in the dinning room so I swiftly ran past it and out the front door. 

"And what are you doing?" I heard a voice say. I nearly screamed and jumped back to see Anakin leaning by the door. 
"You scared me." I held my hand to my heart. 
"You didn't answer my question." He pushed off the wall and walked over to me. 
"I was just going on a hike." I lied which was stupid because Anakin was a Jedi and could sense everything. 
"Then why do you have a bow and arrows?" he asked with a smirk. I had forgotten about that. 
"Okay, so maybe I'm not going on a hike. But I am going to the mountains." I said. 

"Well I have to come with you so lets go."

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