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I sat outside in the warm sand, watching the small children run about. I felt someone come and sit down next to me. I turned slightly to get a better look at who it was. I smiled as I recognized it as Anakin.

"They're so cute." I gushed, gesturing to the children. He admired them for a moment and then looked back at me.

"You want kids?" he asked with a small smirk.

"Someday." I said lightly. He chuckled and held my hand in his.

"So do I." he confessed. His smile turned into a frown. He knew he would never have children unless he was willing to give up being a Jedi.

"How long do you think it will take Annora to find us?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Probably not long. We should start figuring out a new plan." he said.

"My home is not safe, and neither is Padmé's." I said with a frown. I started to ponder a new plan to keep Padmé and I safe.

"How about Coruscant? I'm sure the Jedi are willing to protect us until Annora is caught." I said.

"You two will be under constant protection. That means you and I won't get anytime together." Anakin said with a frown.

"We'll find a way, we always find a way." I held his hand in mine and gave it a small, gentle squeeze.


The suns slowly began to go down. Padmé and I had been out here trying to help Beru gather the mushrooms that had grown in the moisture farm. It was a tedious job but it was the least I could do to thank Beru and Owen for letting me stay here.

"So where is Cliegg?" Padmé asked, trying to bring up a conversation. Beru paused for a moment before looking away.

"After Anakin's mother died, he and a group of men went after a Tusken Raider group." she started, I watched carefully as the pain grew in her eyes.

"No one made it back." she said grimly. I pressed my lips together into a firm line. Padmé let out a short gasp and then covered her mouth with her hand.

"Those Raiders are horrible monsters." Beru cried out, finally letting a few tears slip out. I frowned this time.

"I'm so sorry Beru." I choked. She gave me a soft and weak smile to show that she had gotten over it.

"It happened about two years ago." she said, slightly shrugging her shoulders. All of us became silent as we looked into the sky.

"We should head inside. It's getting let." Beru said, wiping her face.

We all gathered the baskets full of mushrooms and headed back into the small sand hut.


Anakin and I walked down the streets of Mos Espa. I took this time to truly take in my surroundings. The creatures all around were so caught up in their busy lives that they paid no attention to anyone else. Anakin was showing me around before we left for Coruscant. I walked close to Anakin but not too close to draw attention to us.

"I'm kind of thirsty. Do you think we could stop at the cantina?" I said, the heat was starting to get to me. Anakin nodded and turned us toward the cantina.

I walked inside and took a deep breath. It was cool me down from the hot suns. We walked further inside and sat down in a booth.

"I'll go get us something to drink." Anakin said. I smiled and nodded before watching him leave towards the bar. I leaned my elbow on the table and propped my head up with my hand. I looked around the cantina and watched all the creatures run about.

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