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The pitch black surrounded me like the bottom of an ocean. I wanted to open my eyes but it felt as if my eyes had been sewed shut. Suddenly I felt a jolt travel up my body as an extremely sharp pain ached on my right side. I wanted to cry out but not a single noise escaped my lips. 

"Corinna? Can you hear me?" A male voice asked. At first I couldn't place it, but when I felt a loving and warm hand take mine, I knew it was Anakin. 

Once again, I tried to call out and tell him I could hear him, that I was here but I couldn't make a sound. 

"Anakin, come on." I heard another voice. Although this one didn't sound as close. Suddenly, the warm grip on my hand disappeared and left me cold. I wanted to call out again but it was no use. 

I was surrounded in a black abyss and I was terrified that I would never see Anakin again. I did my best to picture him. What he looked like, the key facial features he had. The way he smiled at me. It nearly broke my heart the more I thought about how I may never get to see him again. 

In the middle of me picturing his soft features, a small glimmer of light shined in the distance. My heart began to pick up the pace, was I waking up? I couldn't tell. The light became brighter and brighter with each passing second. 

All of a sudden, in a split second, the light surrounded me. I squinted my eyes, trying to let them adjust to the sudden light. Once they did, I had a look around. I was somehow back on Altre, in the middle of the city. Everything was in perfect condition and nothing was destroyed like how I left it. People walked around and oddly, no one paid any attention to me. I began walking down the path to my palace. It was one of the warmer days but I couldn't seem to feel the sun beating down on me. 

When I made it to the palace, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Slowly, I opened the large doors and entered the palace. All of the guards seemed to not notice me, was I invisible to everyone?

I continued down the short hallway all the way to the living room where I heard slight laughter. I stood in the doorway and admired the view. 

It was me, well an older version of me. My older self sat on the couch and carefully watched a small child run around the room. The child was a boy, he had a head full of blonde hair and deep blue eyes. The child was absolutely beautiful. Was he mine? 

Before I had a chance to think about it anymore, a manly figure walked into the room. I looked up at him. My lips parted slightly at the sight of an older version of Anakin sitting down next to the older version of me. 

They began to laugh and scoot closer to each other while watching the small child play. The older version of me looked at Anakin and pecked his cheek. 

"I love you." she muttered. 

Then out of nowhere, a black mass appeared at the back of the room. At first it was slowly engulfing the small objects and furniture. The family didn't seem to notice anything.

"Hey." I called out, entering the room more and trying to get their attention. But I completely forgot that they must not have heard nor seen me. 

I watched in horror as the black mass covered the back of the couch and then the couple on the couch. A shrill scream filled my ears while the black mass increasingly grew. It swallowed the small child and then the rest of the room. I ran out and tried to escape it but it quickly dragged me back. I began struggling for air as the darkness surrounded me slowly. 

A short cry for help escaped my lips as the beauty of my planet disappeared from sight. And once again I was alone in the darkness, unsure if I would ever see the light of day again.

I sat in the dark, puzzled at what I just witnessed. 


short chapter :( but I have a huge test tomorrow and I have to study. But I hope this chapter made sense.

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