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"What are you trying to say? That-that I'm...pregnant?"

Padmé glared at me as she slowly nodded her head up and down. I sat up straight and shook my head rapidly from side to side.

"No, I can't be! I-I....No." I began to panic as the thought of being pregnant raced through my head. Padmé wrapped her arms around me to calm me down.

"It's going to be okay Corinna. If you are then we have to find Anakin and tell him as soon as possible." Padmé said but I wasn't listening to her.

"What am I going to do? Anakin and I can't be together until this whole thing blows past the Jedi Council." I complained.

"First things first, you have to actually make sure you're pregnant." I looked at her and took a deep breath before nodding my head lowly.


I sat next to Padmé. My heart was racing so fast that I was surprised I hadn't passed out yet.
"Calm down." Padmé cooed. I snapped my head towards her.

"I can't do that!" I shouted. I quickly regretted getting so huffy with her, I knew she was only trying to help.

"Sorry Padmé. I-I just can't believe this." I said in a low voice. Padmé gave me a soft smile before wrapping one arm around my shoulder.

"I know. I don't blame you for getting upset." she said which relaxed me a little.

"Obi-wan will be here shortly so we can go visit Anakin." she continued to talk. I rested my elbows against my knees and then set my head in my hands. I stared at my feet as I waited for Obi-wan. I couldn't believe that this happened. Especially now.

"You okay?" I heard Padmé ask. I lifted my head to meet her brown eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah, just nervous. I don't know how I'm going to tell him or how he's going to react." I replied. Padmé gave me a comforting look before taking my hand in hers.

"He loves you Corinna. He would never leave you, especially now." she said, giving my hand a little squeeze. I wanted to believe that but I knew that Anakin was already under a lot of stress after what happened with the Council.

Soon, Obi-wan arrived on Altre to take Padmé and I to Tatooine.
"Corinna, it's good to see you again." Obi-wan greeted me with a hug.

"It's good to see you too Obi-wan." I said into his ear. We pulled away and I watched as Obi-wan and Padmé made eye contact. They hugged each other passionately which made me feel a bit like a third wheel.

Once they pulled away, I smirked at Padmé whose face lit up. She quickly dragged me out of the palace and towards the large silver ship. I wasted no time climbing aboard and getting settled in one of the seats.


I could see the sandy planet in the distance. My stomach churned the closer we got. How am I going to do this? Why was this so hard? I continued to ask myself a list of questions, overthinking like crazy. Too soon we landed on the desert planet. Obi-wan and Padmé shared a look at me as I sat in my seat, not moving.

"Come on Corinna." Padmé said lightly. I slowly got out of my seat and wrapped the brown cover around my shoulders. I tossed the hood over my head and walked off the ship behind Obi-wan and Padmé.

The two suns beat down on me, making me light headed and a bit dizzy. But I shook it off quickly. Obi-wan lead us to a small moisture farm. I remember this was where Anakin's step brother lived. I smiled to myself as I saw the familiar figure of a man standing over what looked like a grave. Padmé gave me a soft look as she dragged Obi-wan inside the sand hut to say hello to Owen and Beru.

I stood behind Anakin and listened to him carefully talk to his mother's grave.
"I miss you everyday mother." he said. I frowned a little before resting my hand on his upper arm. He didn't jump at my sudden action, probably because he probably knew I was standing there.

"Corinna? What are you doing here?" he asked as his blue eyes landed on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close to my body. I took in his scent and relished the moment before I told him the news.

"I have something to tell you and it couldn't wait." I said, pulling away from him. His blue eyes looked over me with concern

"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" Anakin began to question me. I laughed a little before shaking my head. I was still in his embrace which made this a lot easier.

"Ani, I'm fine." I told him with a bright smile.

"What is it?" he asked me, still worried.

"Ani...I'm pregnant." I say. Anakin's eyes grew twice their original size and his lips pulled into a tight line.

"You're-you are going to have my child?" he asked. I still couldn't tell if he was happy or not because the only emotion he was showing was shock. My smile faded as I began scared that he would leave me.

"Yeah, Ani I'm pregnant with your baby." I said quietly. And then I watched as a smile grew on his face. His eyes softened and an amazing sounding laugh escaped his lips.

"This is great!" he shouted before wrapping his arms tightly around my body. Together we laughed happily as we held each other for what felt like forever.

"I'm so happy." he whispered in my ear.

Then it hit me...standing here in his arms made me realize that this is what I wanted. I was no longer scared or nervous about having a baby.
"I'm happy too Ani." I whispered back.


sorry for another short and boring chapter but there's not really much more I can add :)

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