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Anakin's POV

I groaned in pain as I slowly got up. The broken glass crunched under my feet as I hopped back through the broken window, back into the house. My eyes scattered for any sign of Corinna or the masked man. 

I yelled out in frustration when I noticed Corinna was gone along with the masked man. Not a moment later, Corinna's parents rushed down the stairs and looked around the trashed room. 

"What happened?" the king shouted at me. I looked down in shame. 

"Where is my daughter?" the queen asked, rushing up to me. I looked at her with worry and shame, she knew what happened without me having to say a word. Tears formed in her eyes and she covered her mouth with her hand.  I pressed my lips together and rested my hands on my hips. 

"You had one job!" Corinna's father shouted at me. I said nothing and showed no emotion, I couldn't let him know that I was freaking out on the inside. All I wanted to do was find Corinna and hold her in my arms. 

"I am very sorry sir, I tried." I started but was cut off by him. 

"You will do everything you can to find her and bring her back here! And once she is safely returned, you will be fired!" he shouted. I lowered my head and nodded. 

"I will do everything in my power to save her sir." I choked out. 


Corinna's POV

My eyes slowly opened to a bright light. I closed them again due to the sudden brightness. A sharp pain in my side made me groan and caused me to open my eyes again. I looked down to see a small gash in my side, blood soaked through my shirt a little. When did this happen? 

I pressed my hand onto the wound, noticing that this wound was fresh still. I took in my surroundings, I was in a solid white room, laying on a hard bed. I stiffened when I tired to sit up, I suddenly became in a lot of pain. 

I was eventually able to roll off of the bed and stand to my feet. Across the room was a door with a circular window. I walked over to it and peaked through the window, the hallway on the other side was all white. I shuttered and backed away from the door. 

Another sharp pain came from my wound and a loud groan escaped my lips. I fell to the ground in agony. Suddenly the sound of an alarm went off and the white door busted open. Two medical droids rushed to my side and helped me to the bed. 

"Be careful miss." one said in a monotone voice. 

"What happened? Where am I?" I asked through the pain. The studied my wound and began grabbing medical supplies. 

"Stay still miss." they said. I watched them grab a needle and thread. They began to go near my wound but I pushed them away. 

"Wait, don't you have to numb me or something." I said, freaking out. They didn't do or say anything and just continued trying to stitch me up. 

"Please, I'm fine." I tried to explain but it didn't stop them. 

I excruciating pain traveled up my side as they poked the needle in and out of my skin. I screamed out in pain begging them to stop. It felt as if they would never stop. Tears began falling down my face as they continued to sew my wound up. 

Finally, after what felt like hours, they finished and cleaned the fresh blood off my skin. Tears stained my cheeks and I whimpered in pain.

"Rest miss, you'll need it." the droid said before rolling away. I felt light headed and dizzy, the white room suddenly turning black. As I closed my eyes I couldn't help but wonder where I was and what was happening to me.

And where the hell was Anakin.



and for all the people reading the Timeless series I will not publish the third story until March or when I finish this story, which ever comes first. 

and I am also publishing a new story very soon called The Pilot and I am super excited about it!

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