|Chapter Two|

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|London| ~6:30pm~

Eisuke P.O.V.

I was called by Frank that he wants me to go to he's office. I've been wondering what are we going to talk about something important or what?

Or maybe it's just another punishment because for what happen today. But I'm already use to those punishments he gave's me.

Well I need to go there or else I might be in trouble again.

I went to he's office quickly. Then when I got there I saw Minato also there. Then Frank stood up to he's seat.

"Sit down...." He said. Then I went to my seat and Sat down while Minato sits beside me.

"You two been wondering why I call you two here." He said. "We're going to Japan."

Japan?! Seriously?!

"Are you serious about this sir?" Minato said with a shock look on he's face. "Yes only for one week." He said.

One week.....but that's enough.....I might see Andi and Ayato again. But I don't know if I can go see them.....

But what if......their together with Eiji?

I don't know.....

"Hmm? Well you're not coming Eisuke!" He said then I look up to him. "What?!" I said. "What? Do you think I'm going to make you see them?" He said.

Yeah......he knows about Soryu and the others. "But sir......maybe we can bring him with us....." Minato suggested. "And why would I do that?" He said. "Well sir.....Eisuke is the owner of the Hotel tres spades Japan......You wanted to buy it right." He said.

He's planning to buy my hotel?!

"Hmm......well I guess.....but he is not allowed to go somewhere else!" He said. Then Minato and I look at each other then we look back to him and nodded. "You may now leave. We're
Leaving in next 2 days." He said. "Yes sir." I said then Minato and I left the office. When we close the door I sighed heavily.

"Don't worry you'll see your family now." He said. I nodded then I left and went to the garden. Well were allowed to come here if our task is done. Well my task is all done. When I got to the garden I notice it's even more beautiful since the last time I came here. Looks like he wants to make this garden more beautiful.

I kinda remember about when I was at Andi's hometown. I remember the garden at the back of their house. But this garden is more big than their garden.

"I Miss you.......If I didn't even left this wouldn't happen. I regret for you leaving you Andi......Please forgive me. I'll be back soon. I promise."

As I look at the stars wishing to see her again. I hope that we can see each other when I come back to Japan.



Andi P.O.V.

"Hey sis.....you're still awake?" I turn around and saw James just got home from school. "Oh yeah......I'm just here watching Ayato." I said.

I saw James nodded and went to he's room. "Oh Andi....."


"Um.....Soryu wants to see you. He's going to tell you something important." He said.

"Oh okay......" I said I stood up and went to my room leaving James watching over Ayato. I change m clothes and fix my hair. Then suddenly I letter fall from a near drawer.

Hmm? What's that? I turn around and look at the letter. I grab the letter and notice the handwriting is familiar.

Hmm.....this is a handwriting of Eisuke..... Did he left this? Wait? When did this letter been here?

I quickly open the letter and read it.

I don't know......it been days since Andi and Eiji been seeing together. I keep wondering about what they've been doing......until now I finally knew that Eiji said that they have an affair. If you see this Andi. I'm no longer by your side. I'm leaving and looking for a new path to go. I know i have finally recovered but everytime I see you with him. All the things from past were coming back. Loneliness is running around my head. Since I met you I was so happy but when Eiji just came into your life. You've change. Then I have finally made a decision. I want you to be happy with him. He can be the father of your child. Ayato and I may be blood related but he deserves a better father than me. Thank you for the past 10 months and those days we've been together at the very beginning. I hope your happy now.

-Eisuke Ichinomiya

🙇🏻To be Continue🙇🏻

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