|Chapter Sixteen|

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Andi P.O.V.


I quickly sit up and woke up from my sleep. I notice it's already 2:10 in the morning. Just had a bad dream that's it. Hmm? I wonder what is Eisuke doing now.

I grab my phone at the near table and contact Eisuke.




Andi:Eis.....wait who's this?
???: um I'm he's Fiancé.
???: um yes it's Naomi.
???: you know what your just a nobody stop calling my Fiancé!!

*Hungs up*



I look up to the door and saw James. He looked at me with confuse look. "Is everything okay?" He asked. I nodded and look away from him. "Are you sure? I heard you call Eisuke's name." He said. "Oh....it's just a bad dream that's it. Just go back to sleep you have to go to university right." I said then he nodded and close the door.


Fiancé?! But......How come does he have a Fiancé? And her name is Naomi. Wait is that Eisuke's Ex Girlfriend?!

My chest started to felt empty. I didn't even try to move. Then I felt tears started to fall in my eyes. He said that he loves me. But why does he have a fiancé? That's impossible. I thought he loves me.

I knew it! He is hiding something. And this the Naomi girl he's Fiancé.

My hands started to shake with Anger. Then I throw my phone to the wall hearing a big thud on the wall. And it woke up Ayato. Then I heard him Crying. But I didn't stood up to calm Ayato down. I just remain sitting there.


Then I hear him calling for me yet I didn't come to pick him up. Then I heard the door Open. I saw James with a stun look and run towards Ayato and picks him up.

"Andi I know there is something wrong!" He said. "I just need to be alone bring Ayato to your room." I said.

James P.O.V.

Hmm? What happen to Andi? Did something happened awhile ago? At the penthouse? I think I should tell Eiji and Soryu about this. I took Ayato with me at my room and put him down at the bed patting him. I quickly took my phone and contact Eiji.




Phone convo

Eiji: hello?
James: hey it's me James.
Eiji:oh hi James what's wrong?
James: it's about Andi.
Eiji:hmm? Why? What happen?
James: I don't know well I went to her room because I heard her tell Eisuke's name then after that I heard a thud came to her room then I saw Ayato crying and she was at the bed not even moving to her place. I think something happened awhile ago.
Eiji: hmmm? That's strange? Is Ayato okay?
James: well yeah he's with me. Andi said that she wants to be alone.
Eiji: there is a problem. I'll talk to her tomorrow.
James: thanks Eiji. By the way how's Eisuke?
James: Eiji?
Eiji: oh Eisuke.....well.....he's doing fine. Some stuffs to do that's it.
James:: oh okay......well please tell Eisuke that Andi has a problem but I don't know what is it.
Eiji: yeah sure......ill tell him.
James:thanks bye

End of phone convo

Eiji P.O.V.

Andi...... What's the matter?

"Eiji....." Huh? I turn around and saw Blake. "I don't know about this wedding of Eisuke." She said. "You need to keep your mouth shut. We don't want Andi to know about it." I said. "But what happens if she will know about it?"

"I don't know......I know Eisuke is planning to get out from that Arrangement. But there is one thing I don't understand." "What is it Big Brother?"

"Why is he so weak. I know he's not like that from the past. What happened to the real Eisuke."

Then Blake turn speechless. Everyone is worried about Eisuke. Nobody knows why he change. Is it about that he's a slave? Or is something else.

"Maybe......because he's depress."

"How can you say that Blake?" I look at her with curiosity. "Well you know what happened a year ago right. He thought that you and Andi were on a affair and he felt hurt. I never seen him like that before. Especially when he runs away and gives up everything. Maybe he really do love Andi so much." She said.

Hmm......Maybe that's the reason why he's different he's facing he's depression and challenges. I should have try to help him a while ago. But Something bad might happen if I just show up. I know Eisuke is doing everything he can so he can protect Andi. But Andi doesn't want this I'm sure of it. Andi wants to be with him again. Not like this. Eisuke doesn't wanna let her know the truth especially the fix marriage. Andi might go back to depression and loneliness again if she knew about it. We can't let that happen!

We must stop the wedding and take Eisuke back!

👻To be Continue👻

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