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Actually this guy must be supposed Eiji.....but I kinda forgot about him when I was making amnesia so I'm adding him. Here as well Andi's first crush and he will be part of the main characters.....I think XD

He'll be like Eiji in the second book

Well if your playing the app called "MY SWEET PROPOSAL"

Oh you know him.

If you don't.

He's name is Masaya Todo (he's just like Eisuke though)

I'm making a story to him though.

Andi and Masaya were best friends too. But it didn't take long their friendship didn't last because Masaya went to Singapore with he's family. Masaya is Andi's first crush.

Yeah.....I know.

He's 29 years old.....(actually there's no any information of how old is he? Or maybe there is!

I don't know.

So he's the new character of the story and he'll be around Andi's side. Just like Eiji.

Okay......that's it I hope you'll like him XD

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