|Chapter Nineteen|

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Eisuke P.O.V.

As we follow Andi. We notice that were heading to the park. The cab parked at the side then I saw Andi went out carrying Ayato. Then she started to walk. Eiji parked the car and I went out to the car to follow her. What is she going to do here? Is she meeting someone?

Hmm? As I follow them I notice that were heading to the spot where me and Andi been staying. I wonder what is she going to do?

Andi P.O.V.

As we reach at the spot where Eisuke and I always spend our time during we were bored. We always come by here when we wanna talk about something especially we do picnic here too. Ohh!! I should have At least made some picnic here. But carrying it here alone will be hard plus I don't have time to make some food.

Now we're here. I put down Ayato at the grass. He looks up to me and gives me a smile. He got Eisuke's smile though. Now he's making me remember he's father now. Now that I'm here I should at least stop thinking for what just happened last night.

"I'm he's Fiancé."

Hmm? How come he had a Fiancé? Or maybe he gave me a wrong number. But The woman who picked it up is Naomi.....he's ex girlfriend. Ohh I still remember that FACE!! I can't believe that she answer's he's phone plus she just said that she's Eisuke's Fiance?!


Hmm? Then I look down at Ayato then I saw him pointing he's finger. Huh? I looked at the direction where he's pointing at then I saw Eisuke coming. Wait? Did he follow me?!

Okay Andi calm down. Just don't bring up last night. The phone call. Just relax and act natural as always!!

As Eisuke got nearer it's making me nervous and it's making me think about last night. Ohh....should I ask him? Or maybe I should not?

"Hey...." Then I look up to him. "I know there's something wrong." He said. My eyes went wide then I looked away from him. "Oh....it's just.....nothing." I said. "I already know you Andi.....Plus you know that I'm going to force you I if you're not going to tell me about it," he said. "I said that its!! Nothing!! Why are you so worried!!" I said. "Are you really sure that it's nothing?" He said.

Then I look up to him. "Yes.....If there really something wrong I would tell you." I said. Then he finally gives up and nodded.

Phew......good thing he didn't push me to say it.


Eisuke and I look down to see Ayato grabbing Eisuke's pants tightly. I saw Eisuke smiled and carries Ayato in he's arms. "Looks like someone misses me!" Eisuke said then he started to play with Ayato. Ayato started to giggle when Eisuke raises him up in the air. Eisuke!! be careful!! he might drop Ayato!!

"Eisuke!! Be careful!! You might drop him!!" I said. Then Eisuke slows down and looks at me. "I'm not gonna drop him! Why would I do that!" He said and continues to raise Ayato in the air again.

Now I'm starting to panic! If Ayato falls to the ground I am literally not letting Eisuke carry Ayato again!!


Hmm? I turn around and saw James and Eiji coming. Looks like they also followed me here.

Huh?! Is that A gun?!

"Why is there a gun in your hand James?" I gave my brother a glare then he quickly hides at Eiji's back. "Long story!!" He said. Then he gave the gun to Eiji. "You should have at least left this at the car." Eiji said. "But I couldn't just let go! What if they come back!"


Eisuke P.O.V.

When I heard James I quickly stop from what I was doing. I notice Andi started to get curious while Eiji looks at James with wide eyes. Shit!

"Uh.....Andi why don't we go take a walk." I said. "What do you mean that "they" come back James?" Andi said and ignores me. "Ah....actually....well....."

Now Andi is getting suspicious. I'm going to kill this guy later for bringing up awhile ago. "Andi....."

"Are you hiding something that I didn't know?!" She said.


"WHAT?!" Then she looks at me with a glare. "Your phone is ringing!!"

Andi P.OV.

Huh?  Quickly open my purse and I notice that My phone is ringing. I pick up my phone and saw Shaili's name in it. Hmm? Why is she calling Me?

💤Phone Convo💤

Shaili:Hey It's me I wanna tell you something important!
Andi:what is it?
Shaili:remember my cousin......
Shaili: you know......your first crush!!
Shaili:he's here and he wants to see you!
Shaili: yeah!! Better hurry up he doesn't wait you know!! Just like your boyfriend!!
Andi;fine I'm on my way,

💤End oh Phone Convo💤

"I'm sorry but I have to go. Can you take care of your son first." I said. Then Eisuke nodded. "Wait!! Where are you going?!" Eisuke added. "Um.....im meeting someone." I said. "Wait!! Who is it?" He asked.

"I'll tell you when I come back!!" I said then Is arête to leave the park leaving Eisuke and the others.

Eisuke P.O.V.

Who is she meeting?! I better check!!

Huh? I notice my phone vibrated I quickly pick up my phone and saw Minato texted me saying that I should go back now.

"Dammit!" I said. Wait.....Ayato is in my arms! Shit don't say Dammit!!

"Dammit!!" Ayato said while smiling

Then he said it now he's mother will e mad. "Better watch out Eisuke." Eiji Said. "Yeah look ms important huh. I'll carry Ayato." James said.

I should go back now.

But still it's making me curious. Who's is this person that Andi is meeting?

👻To be Continued👻

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