|Chapter Eleven|

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~Next Day~

Andi P.O.V.

Huh? Morning already? I slowly open my eyes and notice that Eisuke is not here with me. So it's just a dream then....

I sighed heavily and sat up. I rubbed my eyes then I notice a letter on a near table. I took it and notice it's Eisuke writing.

Dear Andi,

I'm sorry I just need to go back early. I just escape from work last night to see you and Ayato. You might think it's a dream at first because I'm not here beside you....well actually it's true. I hope you have a good day. Let's see each other again someday.
                                 I love you

I smile form to my lips and put the letter at the drawer. then I stood up and went to the crib to see Ayato. I saw he's little face still asleep. I leave him a quick kiss in he's forehead and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for James and Ayato.

It took 5 mins later when James came.

"Hey sis!" He said. "Oh....good morning. Can you watch Ayato for me. I'm making breakfast." I said. "Sure anything for my big sis." He said and went to the room to watch Ayato.

I'm making some pancakes today. Ayato loves it especially James. I need to do a great job at James' pancake. Hmmm......I wonder where Eisuke works? Maybe I can bring him some lunch today. I should ask Momo she might know where Eisuke works.

*Ring Ring*

Hmm? Who could that be? I put the bowl aside and pick up the phone.

👀Phone Convo👀

Momo: hey it's me!! I miss you!!
Andi: oh hey!! Momo I miss you too! How are you?
Momo: pretty good. Well I don't know what to do today so I was wondering we can go shopping?
Andi: I'm actually I need your help.
Momo: wait! Did something bad happen?! Tell me!!
Andi: what no! There's nothing wrong it's just that I want to ask you something.
Momo: oh.....phew You gave me a heart attack.....okay what is it?
Andi: do you know where Eisuke work?

Momo P.O.V.

........Please don't tell me you wanted to see him.

Andi:well I wanted to bring Eisuke some lunch today with Ayato.is it okay?

Okay......I don't know what to say to her if I tell her about it. Well okay!! Okay!! I won't tell them about it. I heard that Eisuke is on a hotel today at Conrad.

Momo: um.....sure.....
Andi: really great!! Thank you!
Momo: yeah.....ill should prepare now....and go there...
Andi: great I'll be waiting See ya.
Momo: bye.

👀End of phone Convo👀

Okay......I'm doom!!!

"Don't tell me your taking Andi at Conrad." Huh? I turn around and saw Eiji there. "I can explain." I said. "She wants to see Eisuke?" He said. "Well yeah.....she wants him to bring him some lunch." I said. "Didn't you heard what they say never tell where Eisuke is." He said "well I k ow it's just that.....of course Andi wants to see Eisuke!" I said.

"But still she might get in trouble. And Eisuke doesn't want that to happen."

Ughh!! I don't know!! Okay!

"You know what.....ill be the one will take her there." He said. Then I look up to him with wide eyes. "What?! No you can't I should be the one who'll take her there!"

"Just stay here! You're brother will be mad at you!" He said. I sighed and look at him. "Fine!! Just please take care of her."

"I'll do whatever I can to protect her." He said. He grabs he's jacket at the sofa and starts to leave.

Okay......Now what shall I do?

~11:15 am~

Andi P.O.V.


When I open the door I saw Eiji there. What is he doing here? He has work right?

"Well Momo said that you wanted to see Eisuke so .... I'm here to take you there." He said.

Hmm.....I wonder what happened to Momo? "ANDI!!" Huh? Eiji and I turn around and saw Momo and Blake coming out of breath. "Hey.....what are you two doing here?"

"Well we're here to see Baby Ayato what else." Blake said. "Hey......Andi I'm sorry if I couldn't take you there okay......well Eiji will take care of you." She said and went inside with Blake.

Hmm? Weird......is there something going on?

"You know what let's go." He said. "Yeah.....lets go." Then we both went to the place were Eisuke is working.

Eisuke P.O.V.

"Are you really sure you didn't leave the hotel!" As Frank keep asking a lot of questions about yesterday I still deny it. I can't tell him about last night.

"Fine......I give up on you......better bring this letter at Ichinomiya Corp. ohh... No it can't be you. Minato.....take this to the CEO okay.....and tell him that I'm waiting for he's answer." Frank said and hand the letter to Minato and he left with the others for a meeting. Leaving me here. When Frank left. Minato gave me the letter.


"I think you should be the one who take this there." He said. "What if...."

"Don't worry He'll never know......ill protect you." He said I look up to him. He's a friend of mine and I can't believe he's helping me. I nodded and started to leave.

As I went outside the hotel I saw Frank's limo left. Good thing he's gone I need to get to the company fast.


Huh? Is that?! I look down and saw Andi there smiling. Wait how did she get in here?! She started to run towards me and gave me a hug. "Eisuke here's your lunch." She said and hand me a bento. "Andi this is not time for lunch okay." I said. "Huh? Your not hungry?" She said. "Well it's just that......." Then I saw Eiji came. I quickly went beside him and grab him. "You told her!" I whispers in he's ear. "No.....she just bringing you lunch." He said. I look back to Andi with a smile and nodded then I went back to look on Eiji. "Never ever bring her here again!" I said and let go of him. Then I look back to Andi.

"Can we eat lunch later Andi we have an emergency here with Eiji. I'll take my lunch and I'll see you again later." I gave her a quick kiss and grab Eiji back to he's car.


"TAXI!!" I called a taxi then a taxi came. I took Andi's arm. "Eisuke?"

"I want you to go back home okay....ill see you later." I said and open the car door for her. When she got inside she look back to me and wave goodbye. Then the tax started to leave.

I quickly went inside Eiji's car. "Where are we going?" He asked. "To the company quick I need to talk to the CEO." I said. Then Eiji starts the car and Andy to the company.

😴To be Continued😴

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