|Chapter Six|

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Andi P.O.V.


I woke up at the 3 in the afternoon when i heard Ayato crying. I quickly sat up and went to the crib. Then I saw him Looking for Eisuke again.

"Sweetie you still need to sleep. You just slept for 1 hour." I said and carries him into my arms.

It's even more harder than I thought. Even though I try to make him calm he's still been looking for him non stop. I tried to show him a pic of Eisuke but still he wants to see him personally. Well Eiji tries to pretend that he's Eisuke but Ayato still thinks that he's Eiji.

Ayato is a smart kid and you can't fool him. Especially when it comes to he's father. No wonder when it comes to Eiji he doesn't call him papa.


Huh? Who could that be? That can't be James he has a key. Hmm.....I think it's Blake and Eiji.

I pick up Ayato and went to the door to open it. When I open the door Soryu push me lightly away carrying someone.

Huh? Who's that?

Mamoru quickly remove all the stuffs at my bed and puts the guy there. Eiji went closer to him and take off he's shirt. Then I saw big cuts and scars. Some of it were bleeding.

"Wait who's that?!!" I said. Blake turns around and gets Ayato. "You better get a closer look if you wanna know." She said and take Ayato out of the room. When she close the door I look back to the guy and notice something familiar.

I slowly walk towards him and check he's face.





"EISUKE!!" I quickly run towards him and hug him tightly. Then he suddenly Yelp with pain. "Oh I'm sorry did I hurt you?!" I quickly panic and try to calm down but Soryu told me that it's okay they just need to put something in he's back. Then Manoru push me out of the room with him.


"Andi he's okay their going to take care of him and you can see him later!"

"I NEED HIM!! MY SON NEEDS HIM!! I need to see him!" I said and tries to get away with him but failed. "Andi he's okay you can see him later he just a need to rest!" Blake said.


Then I felt Ayato's little hand reach for my shoulder. Then I look at him.


Then I started to calm down. Blake crouch down and pats my back. "We know you wanted to see him so badly but right now he's here......he just need to rest for awhile. You can talk to him later." She Said. Then I nodded.

I waited and waited.

~Later on~

After 30 mins Eiji, Soryu, and Mamoru went out to room leaving Eisuke to rest. I quickly stood up and asked them.

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine he just need to rest for awhile. He has a lots of scars, cuts and bruises around he's body." Eiji said looking back to Eisuke. "Can I go see him." I asked.

Then I saw him nodded.

I quickly went inside my room and saw him sleeping soundly. He has a lot of bandages around he's body. Someone really did make him a slave. I can't even look at him.


Then Eisuke's head moves a little and groans. I quickly went beside him and hold he's hands tightly.

"Shh.....it's okay I'm right here." I said.

Then He's eyes slowly open.

Eisuke P.O.V.

Hmm? Where am I? My head hurts..... Wait......I saw Soryu and the others took me somewhere. Huh? Then I felt someone holding my hand. Then I look at the person.


When I can clearly see now. I saw Andi's beautiful face.

"Eisuke you're awake." She said and smiles. Then I look around and notice that I'm in her room. At her apartment.

Then suddenly she hugged me. I felt so calm and protective. I can't believe I'm in her arms again. I missed her so much. Then I quickly hugged her tightly and pulled her into my chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave.....it's just that. I.....I...."

"It's okay Eisuke now you're back......You're really are back!!" She said. Then I hear her sobs she was crying.

I hugged her even more! I can't even believe I missed her so much. I didn't even wanna let her go. But......


I can't just leave......I can't even stay here. I was bought by Frank and hems my owner. I don't know what to do....

After hugging for so long Andi let goes and looks at me. "Ayato is been looking for you." She said. "Really? How?" I said.

"Well......he kinda knows you even though you just saw him 2 weeks after he was born. I think he can sense you though." She said.

*knock knock*

Hmm? Andi and I look at the door then We saw Blake came in with a baby boy. Is that.....Ayato?

Andi P.O.V.

"Hey Ayato wants to go inside so.....ill just put him down." Blake said. When she put Ayato down. Ayato started to crawl and went to Eisuke.

Eisuke look at me asking if it's Kay to carry Ayato. "Of course you can he's your son." I said happily.

He put the blanket aside and walk towards Ayato. Ayato look up to him and smiles. He reached he's arms for Eisuke then Eisuke picks him up. Then Ayato gave Eisuke a hug.

Eisuke P.O.V.

When I picked up Ayato he suddenly hugs me. He do know I'm he's father. I smile form into my lips and hugged Ayato back.

"Papa......" He said. I look back to him and he smiles again. He must be a happy kiddo. I Ruffle he's hair lightly then he hugs me again.

"See I told you he know's he's father." Andi said. I look back to her and sit beside her at the bed. "I do miss my family......" I said and kiss her forehead.

"Now our family is back to normal now. We can live happily now." She said.

Then suddenly the smile fades away.

🙌🏼To be Continued🙌🏼

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