|Chapter Fifty Two|

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Yamato P.O.V.

We've been waiting for hours still there's no sign of the operation ending. "Are you really sure that she's going to be okay? I mean she got shot 3 times." Alexa asked.

"She's going to make it. Im sure." I said trying to calm everyone down from their anxiety. Everyone is sick and worried about Andi. This should not end early. Andi has a lot things to do she cant give up right now. "Eisuke!"

Eisuke P.O.V.

As I reach the hospital I saw the others were already there. Everyone looked at me with worried eyes. All of those people were Andi's loved ones. She may have rescued her sister yet I failed to protect her. I took a deep breath and went closer to them. 

"Is Andi going to be okay? Will she survive?" Angie asked. I look into her eyes and nodded. I cant lose hope right now.  I cant also lose her. She's the only person that I needed the most. I dont care if I lose everything, please not her. "You should have at least think of this Eisuke." I heard Masaya at the corner I look at him and gave him a glare. "Just who do you think you're talking too!"

"Im telling you Eisuke. You should have at least thought about it. Look what happened to Andi. Now were all here desperate waiting. You should have her stay instead of taking her away!"

"I did that just to protect her!"

"And you think that breaking up with her is the solution of everything just to protect her from Frank? Look what you've done Eisuke! she might die because of you!"



"You are the one who let her do that! I trusted you to watch over her yet  you let her!"

"If I were you I should have let her stay by my side than letting her go!!"

I quickly grab Masaya's collar and try to punch him but Soryu and the others stop me. While the others stop Masaya. "You are the reason why Andi started to act differently! Since you left her and your child a year ago! What kind of a husband and a father are you!"

"I may left them that day but im telling you that I regret my decision!"

"Are you really the Great Eisuke Ichinomiya?"




"Since you Met Andi you've changed! You are not the Eisuke Ichinomiya who is the king! And now look at you! You look desperate because of a Woman!"

My blood started to boil because of rage. Yes it is the true the Eisuke Ichinomiya they knew before was gone. I may have left because of a woman. But now im here to make things back to normal from the way it was.

"You know! You shouldnt have loved Andi from the beginning!" 

How dare he controls my feelings!

"I should be the one for Andi not you! You stole her away from me Ichinomiya!!"

"Im not the one who 'Stole' her! It was you who stole her from me! I SHOULDNT HAVE TRUST YOU FROM THE BEGINNING!!"

"But still Eisuke, Andi doesnt love you! She loves me! And im her first love! Im the rightful one for her!! She may have mistakenly fall in love into someone! But Im telling you this Ichinomiya I am not giving up on her!!"

As Masaya finished. He forcefully let go and leaves the hospital. I cant believe a 'Friend' of mine will be my enemy.  I felt someone pat my back then I turn around and saw Eiji. "Its okay, Just of think of Andi and Ayato. Its not your fault Eisuke." He said. I looked away from him and sat beside the chair and waited for the operation to End.

~To be Continued~

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