17. So Resistant, More Persistent .

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His study was a complete mess when I was through with it.

How dare he threaten me? After everything he knows I've been through!

I slammed the door to his bedroom and locked it, hoping it'd keep him out. I knew he thought I was completely insane after I cursed him out in French and went on a rampage.

That's what you get. You're not the only one with a bad temper, wolf boy.

I grabbed my clothes and snatched off the shirt I had on of his, popping off the buttons while doing so.

I dressed in less than a minute, storming over to the door, ready to leave.

As soon as I opened it, I was greeted by Grey's large frame in the doorway.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Anywhere that doesn't house an Auguste Du Val or Greyden Krem." I slid past him and started making my way down the hall.

Well, until I was grabbed by my arm with a solid hold that nearly spun me around.

"What! What?! What do you want from me?!"

"Dammit Nova, a chance! I just want a chance! This is.. hard for me too.." He left me standing there, walking back to his bedroom and cursing as he sat on the bed.

I slowly made my way around the corner and stood there, deciding not to go any further.

"Do you think this is easy for me? This entire time you've wanted me to see how it would be from your perspective. Point taken. But have you ever sat back and tried to see things from mine."

"I wouldn't know where to begin. You have a completely different outlook on life, on everything Grey. This.. lifestyle is what you were born into, not me."

It was then that I put together what he'd meant.

It was hard for him having to deal with someone who didn't understand him one bit. Who laughed in his face and blew off everything that he put in my face as proof.

I was the one being ignorant. He was right before.

"I hate that you feel the way you do." His voice was much lower and calmer now. "I wish I could just let you walk off like you want to, but this bond.. it's in me, deep. It won't let me. I won't let me."

I felt my heart constrict in my chest.

"Pet, you have to understand.. I'm trying."

The way he looked at me almost made me dizzy. I felt so much, all at once, it was almost overwhelming.

"Then help me, and I'll try my best to be more understanding of this, of everything." I shook my head, running a hand through my hair, "Of you."

"Tell me how."

I bit my lip, contemplating on what to say. But I strode over there anyway and sat down on the bed.

"The trespasser you told me about," I could see his jaw slightly tighten, "He was the one you were talking about with Kale."

He didn't want to answer, but I was glad that he did. "Yes."

"And when you were referring to him sending in a friend of his. That friend was the trespasser and him was Titus?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "Pet.."

"Answer me."

He looked me in the eyes, "Yes."

"He sent him for me.." That wasn't a question. The thought was chilling knowing someone was technically putting hits out on me.

"No one's going to touch you." His tone was stone hard.

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