46. You're Your Mother's Child .

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I sat on the sidelines, watching carefully as Nova and her father walked the blooming flowers.

Kale was close by, along with Gamma Spear, and the girls. Some others spread out further off in the distance for precautionary reasons.

I focused every sense in on the two, allowing myself to hear them even with how much distance was between us, and how low they spoke.

"Another meadow, am I here for another round of kidnap your own dad?"

"No, and I told you it was only because of us being on a certain timeframe. Here, we have enough time."

"What exactly is here?"

"Definitely not a brothel."

I chuckled at her response, always being the feisty one with a comeback.

"So.. a packhouse. What are they, a cult or something?"

I had to admit, the man came up with some pretty amusing suggestions. Which I gladly watched Nova turn down.

"I told you already, Dad. They're.. We are wolves."

"And I'm Santa Claus." He scoffed.

"I never believed in Santa Claus." She mumbled.

"Exactly, Nova." His tone was harder, more angry. Though I knew it was out of unsurety and not understanding someone he thought he knew so well.

He's afraid too.

"So.. you don't believe in me, Daddy? Your little girl.." Her voice faded off with the breeze of wind that whipped past.

He started to say something, but quickly cut himself off as he watched her slowly back away from him.

I perked up in posture, making sure to keep my eyes on Nova and Auguste. I knew what she was about to do, and I didn't need either of them running off after the other or from the other.

"Nova, I-"

"If words won't make you understand, Dad, then hopefully this will make you believe me."

I could feel Nova tapping into her wolf, our bond so strong, it made me feel the need to change.

She slid out of her shirt and pants, left in a muscle shirt and boxers of mine. Hopefully I wouldn't have to explain that to daddy dearest. I'll leave that to Nova.

Surprisingly, Auguste was patient. Allowing Nova to demonstrate to him what he couldn't believe, his disbelief evident on his face.

He seemed embarrassed, but not for himself. For her, like she was the crazy one.

Nova's mind instantly linked to mine, indicating just how everywhere her thoughts actually were. She wasn't able to control them, too much was on her mind.

Luckily, her link didn't extend towards the pack.

Show him, prove to him. Don't scare him, gain his trust. You aren't a freak, you're your mother's child. Her only child, and she was proud of you. Show him, Nova. Show him.. us.

Her and her wolf embodied as one.

And before our eyes, Nova stood on all fours, her white fur glistening in the moonlight and flowing with the wind.

Auguste yelled, his legs giving out under him. I don't ever recall seeing someone look so.. frightened.

And yet, so in awe.

"This.. this can't be real." Auguste fists clenched into the dirt out of fear or excitement, I wasn't sure.

Nova slowly approached her dad, bowing her head as she did so. Auguste seemed tense as she finally made it within touching distance of him, his breathing loud and ragged.

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