21. The Luna's Mate .

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Night set in and I still didn't feel like dealing with anything or anyone, but I knew I couldn't stay locked away in his room forever.

Especially on an empty stomach.

I drug my still exhausted body to the door, the pain in my hip a dull ache now.

When I opened it, a part of me hoped to find Grey camped out by the door, but he wasn't that much of an ass-kisser.

I debated on going to his study, but the growl in my stomach let me know I could put Grey on hold for now.

I crossed my fingers, hoping ginger wouldn't be sitting her ass on that stool. Even more so, hoping Grey wasn't in her company.

When I got to the kitchen, I was relieved to find that I was alone.

Perfect, a kitchen all to myself.

I made my way over to the fridge, digging through things I honestly had no clue what they were.

Majority of everything looked new to me, or had to be cooked, so I settled for something simple.

Well, almost simple.

I stacked two large sandwiches sky high and grabbed an entire bag of chips, with a water bottle, then happily made my way back to the room.

Just when I was about to round the corner of the room, I could hear someone in there. Not just someone, Grey.

I stood in the doorway, watching him quietly for a moment, hoping he wouldn't sense me there like he normally did.

He'd flung the duvet back and checked the bathroom, most likely looking for me.

I smiled, keeping as quiet as I possibly could. Until the temptation of chips took over, so I helped myself to one.

And boy could those things crunch.

Grey whirled around, his pale brown eyes instantly meeting with mine. He looked panicked for a moment, looking me up and down, and then visibly relaxing.

I padded over to the couch with my food.

"I thought you le-"

"I got hungry." I interrupted, smiling at the realization.

He had panicked because he thought I'd taken off again.

I worry that you'll go and I won't ever be able to find you again.

Grey's words replayed in my head.

He was worried.

I grabbed his hand and led him to the couch, then took a seat next to him, sliding the plate on the table in between us.

"Have you eaten?"

He watched me for a moment, his large hand still in mine. "No. I've been busy."

"Sorry, between me and work, you'll fall apart. You hardly sleep, you at least need to eat. Here." I scooted my second sandwich on one side of the plate and poured some chips in the middle.

"Nova, what the hell did you put in this?"

I took a bite. "Mm.. Really not.. too sure. It's.. good though." I gave him a thumbs up.

He smiled at me, reaching over and running a thumb across my bottom lip. He pulled back, sticking the finger in his mouth to clean the mess I'd had on my lip.

My face burned on the spot.

"You sure do have an appetite, pet."

"Sorry if I'm not ladylike, food doesn't call for that. It just calls for eating."

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