43. Nicks And Scratches . And Kidnap .

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I felt exhausted as I emerged back into reality, startled even when I noticed Audri was now awake and sitting upright.

How long had I been out of it?

"Luna.." She breathed, as if relieved to see that I was okay.

"Audri.. You.." I touched her face, then nearly jumped back. "You're okay." I whispered.

"I am." She smiled, her mellow eyes having a smile of their own in them, they were comforting. It warmed my heart and nearly broke it at the same time.

It was hard looking into them after seeing what I saw, after feeling her eyes on me in her own memory.

One I'd taken upon myself to intrude on, even if I didn't understand why I was pulled to that out of all the things I could've found.

"Audri, I-"

"I'll keep your secret, if you keep mine."

The sentence was almost silent and rushed. Like she wanted to close the case already and lock it away to store as another unwanted, but out-of-mind memory.

She didn't even care to know what I'd done to her or how I'd done it. I didn't understand. What secret of mine did she think I needed her to keep?

Your not normal, Nova. You know that, clearly she does too.

I took a seat next to her on the couch she'd been lying on.

Then what secret of hers does she need me to keep?

I fiddled with my fingers in my lap, trying my hardest to work it out. I could feel Audri's stare growing heavy on me by the second.

"Nova, as a friend, please.."

It was then that I looked at her, searching her eyes that I knew now was a natural facade she was born with to cover the depths of her real emotions she'd later get.

Audri was deeper than what we were all giving her credit for. She held darkness in her past, even a light as bright as Audri, which pained me even more.

It reminded me of why I wanted to change the pack from the beginning.

I knew it. I knew they were tired of hiding how twisted this lifestyle is. I knew they have their secrets.

"Nova." Audri's expression hardened for once.

"He doesn't know."

Her eyes widened slightly.

"Alpha Grey," I explained, "He doesn't know about what happened to y-"

"That's enough." Her eyes reflected. And for the very first time, I found myself intimidated by Audri in the moment.

When she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, I placed my hand on hers.

"Why, Audri? Why doesn't he know?"

"He.." She looked at her hands for a moment, then lightly shrugged my hand off of her own as she stood, "He just can't. It'd be against orders."

"What do you mean?" I stood, ready to chase after her if she ran out, no matter how exhausted I was feeling. I'm sure the wolf drugs would kick in and get my adrenaline going to keep up with her.


The door of the hotel room swung open and noise and voices flooded it soon after. Audri and I quickly made our way to the main room of the hotel room.

"What happened? What's going- OH MY GOD!" The luxurious couch ended up embedded into the wall, having been in my way when I needed to get to Grey.

"What happened? Why are you bleeding?! Tell me this isn't your blood!"

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