50. Woah There, Baby .

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Another week had passed.

And we were on the move again.

This time, an Aureate Moon wolf was on our tail and I knew this familiar scent. The stupid wolf boy sent someone I knew after me, someone I knew would be hard to run from.

Better yet, two someones.

Lynn and Audri.

By now, I've covered some good distance between us, but knowing how long they've been doing this, it would take no time for them to catch up if I lagged behind at all.

I was on all fours, my father holding on tightly as he rode my back, it was faster this way. His arms felt like they were trying to suffocate me, but I knew he was just as anxious as I was to get away.

'Hold on, Dad. I'm headed for those dense woods.' I told him, another new trick I've seemed to gain. Something else to set me even further apart from the wolves.

I could invade the mind of even humans.

He held on tighter than he already was and laid his body low against my back, "Let's do it." He said.

I dipped through the trees, pouncing off a few and gaining even more speed and momentum.

I could feel Auguste begin to slip.

"Slow down, kiddo!"

I tried to slow my pace, but a thick branch coming up towards me just as fast as I was coming at it, swung at me.

At the very last second, I tried to maneuver to the left, successfully dodging the branch, but flipping my father off of me and sending myself tumbling through the nearest trees.

The bag he was holding that held our belongings, hit a stomp and burst open, sending clothes and papers flying everywhere.

The first tree I hit through had stunned my body too much for me to even react, but the next couple came too quickly and even harder, that it managed to force my change.

I laid there for a moment, feeling a few sprained ribs maybe, and a definite fucked up wrist. Two fingers twisted in an odd fashion and my legs felt like they were on fire.

But the only thing I could think about was..

"Dad!" I yelled, forcing myself up and over to the splayed clothes that laid about. I tossed on Auguste's shirt and a pair of shorts as quickly as I could, ignoring the aching and burning going on everywhere with my body.

Jumping over a fallen tree, I made my way back up the hill I realized I headed straight down. When I got to the top, all the pain I had was washed a way by a cold, numbing chill that swept over me.

"No.." I gasped, realizing what was happening. Realizing the person who just so happen to be closest to the branch that was swung at me. "No!"

Titus held my father up by his throat as he lay limp, unconscious in his grasp.

I started after him, but Titus' grip tightened. "Uh uh uh, little mutt. You wouldn't want to end your own father's life, now would you?"

"Don't you dare!"

He laughed, "Or what? Your big bad Alpha Krem will come to your rescue, because he know's you'll be next?"

"No." I said as calm and coolly as ever, "I'll kill you myself." I cracked the two out of place fingers back in socket, while spilling a little extra venom in my last word.

"Oh?" He scoffed. "Lover's quarrel, I'm assuming."

"Kill me now." I rolled my eyes. "I'd rather not discuss anything else with you. Just let him go."

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