22. I'll Catch You .

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For once, Grey stayed with me, not saying he had any business he had to take care of, though I'm sure he had plenty.

I was grateful he stayed. I thought I needed to be alone earlier, but now I realized how much I needed company.

His company.

For once we didn't go into conversation about wolves and the trespasser, or Titus and the attack that Grey might be pending.

We turned that couch into some jungle gym like bed, limbs splayed to and fro, as we dove into conversation about our lives personally.

"You said you found things out about my family, things like what?"

"That your parents, you and a cousin of yours are the only ones who live here. Everyone else resides in France."

"In other words, you didn't get much."

"I'm working on it."

"Don't tell me you have connections in France.."

He gave me a smile that answered that for me.

"Well, then tell me what you find out. It'll be news to me."

"You don't know them?"

"Not all of them, just some." I shrugged. "But I haven't spoken to them in years."

"Why not?"

I was getting irritated, but I knew he didn't mean to pry. Okay, well maybe he did. But I knew he didn't mean any harm by it.

"Honestly.. I have nothing to say to them."

"Have they done something to you?"

"No.. not at all. It's just, after my mom's.." I couldn't say it. I would break down if I did.

Silence grew between us.

"You don't have anything to say to them.. because the things you have to say aren't meant for them. They're meant for your mother."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Better yet, it was the truth.

After my mother's death, I'd become a shell. I distanced myself from family and the friends I did have, only wanting to sulk and grieve in my own company.

A part of me knew I couldn't do that forever. But I sure's hell tried.

When I didn't say anything, he turned to look at me. His eyes soft and understanding.

But they angered me, I didn't want his pity. For the longest I just wanted to be left the hell alone. I wanted to live in my own world of pain and loss and suffering.

Is that why I resisted him so much? Because I didn't want to give up the security of hurting myself, and giving someone the power over me to do that?

I was fighting what I felt. I knew if I allowed myself to open up to the feelings Grey ignited in me, that I'd end up giving myself completely to this man.

This strange, handsome, asshole of a man that wants for nothing but my safety and acceptance since the day we met.

"You're staring at me like you're going to eat me, pet."

Any woman would be lucky to have man candy like you to suckle on every night.

I blushed at my own thoughts.

"I get the feeling your mind is no longer with us. Earth to Nova. Should I call in Pack-Nurse Mae?"

The image of the older lady completely ruined any thoughts I had of Grey and my hands running over those caramel colored abs.

Why did he choose now of all times to wear a shirt?

"That's it, I'm getting Mae."

"No!" I grabbed him just as he was leaping off of the couch. "I'm fine, sorry. Just.. thinking."

He looked at me with uncertain eyes, but took a seat anyways.

"Can we.." God, I couldn't believe I was going to say this. "Get to know each other first. Before we really.. try this.. mate thing."

"Well, this mate thing." He chuckled, "Isn't in my control. But I understand, and I'm fine with that."


"But Nova, in order to do that, you have to let me get to know you."

I know, that's the hard part.

"I know. I can't make any other promises, other than that I'll try."

"I promise to have you fall in love with me."

My body tensed.

Love? In love? Have I ever been? Do I want to be? Could he?

"You trying to run me off already?"

"I'm not worried. I'll catch you."

That eased me, making me smile.

"The never worried, big bad Alpha Krem." I laughed, "Man, what I'm getting myself into?"

I seemed to be asking myself that a lot lately.

"Into the life you were suppose to have."

That reminded me of the note he'd left me in my room that night. "Grey, there is something I do want to talk about. Something I don't know, that you do."

He waited for me to continue, but the expression on his face looked as if he knew already where I was going with this.

"Why don't you tell me what you've put together so far?"

I looked around in thought. "Well, you're insinuating down my line I have a wolf in my family. I don't think it's my dad, he has to be the human. Also the reason I've been called mutt."

He gave me a sour face.

"We'll get into that later." I gave him a knowing look. "So with that. I'm guessing you want me to know it's my mom. My mom's the line of werewolves."

A thought hit me.

Maybe that's why she was so free and reckless. So full of energy and life, always ready to take on the next big challenge. The reason she loved the outdoors.

I thought back to the memory of when I was a child, she hummed, holding my hand as she walked me to the field we'd found.


I could still hear her humming ringing in my ears.

"Nova, are you okay? You look pale."

"My mom. My mom was a wolf. Wasn't she?"

He sighed, moving a piece of hair from my face. "We have reason to believe she is."

"Was." I corrected. "Reason to believe she was." I laid back, putting an arm across my face. "Oh man, I'm a wolf girl."

"If it makes it any better," I felt him scoot closer, "You're my wolf girl."

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