36. A Whole New Light .

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Nova's POV

I could hear the soothing hums of my mother's voice, I'd know her voice anywhere.

But instead of humming her familiar tune, it was like a constant note being held out.

I waited for her to take a breath, to start on the next note and begin her comforting hum of the song she use to sing to me.

What was it? What were the words?

I felt like I'd been physically searching within my own mind, but I knew I'd only been mentally digging.

Trying to recover the lost memories-

No, not lost. I'd buried them when they'd buried my mother three long, painful years ago.

Just when I felt like I was opening up a chapter of my past I'd so eagerly and desperately closed, a vision began to appear.

Suddenly, I was no longer alone in the darkness of my own mind. I was in a field, not just any field, but the same spot I'd been in when I'd come across that lady the first night at the packhouse.

And she was there. With me.

Her back faced me, though I didn't get the sense that she was hiding herself from me. She was looking out at something.

But what?

I slowly approached her, a shaky arm reaching out to touch her shoulder. The anticipation of the moment slowly ate away at me. And hearing her hum the same tune as my mother, sent chills down my spine.

Two things I would reveal.

One, would be the face of the woman who has haunted my dreams since that rainy night. And two, exactly what it was that had captivated her attention.

Just as my hand eased over her shoulder, ready to spin her around, my vision began to blur.

No, not yet.

"Who are you? How do you know that song? What's out there?" I tried to get as many questions as I could out, before my vision ended. My voice echoing, then fading away.

If I wasn't going to get a glance at her face, then I would get a look at whatever was out there.

Peering over her shoulder, I understood what it was and why it had gotten her attention more than I ever would've.

Just before the last of my vision was to go, a big black wolf with golden paws and gold-tipped fur bowed before her.

When my eyes landed on the wolf's, both of ours reflected and an almost unrelenting force wouldn't allow me to look away.

Pale brown eyes, with a spec of green around one, were the last thing I'd seen before I was back in the darkness of my own mind..


I could hear a constant humming noise ringing in my ears, the more I came to. I sat up and immediately felt a new type of ache, one that let me know my body had been more than overrun this time.

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