Just What I Needed (22)

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Yawning, Keely half fell from bed after an hour of laying lazily in bed staring up at the ceiling with her limbs feeling pleasantly heavy and peaceful. Eventually she had convinced herself to get up, and had ended up rolling off the bed.

Though she stumbled - her natural lack of dexterity was shown to maximum with the effects of a night too full with sleep - Keely made it to the calender she had laid on the end table beside her phone and laptop. Looking at it, she crossed off yet another square with bright red pen. She'd been in New York for almost three weeks as shown by the calender.

Grabbing her phone, Keely sat - mostly because she was afraid she would fall down but half because she was scared she wouldn't be able to make it through the conversation on her two feet - on the ground cross-legged. She opened her phone up to the contacts and brought up her father's information.

Sighing, she looked down at his picture. He had been eating, and Keely had snapped the picture the moment he looked up.

But even if she had wanted to call him, there was no point. Her room had become a black hole for service. And she was just hoping her dad had called while she was stuck inside said black hole.

Suddenly, a knock rang through the room breaking through Keely's self-depressing mood.

With another yawn, Keely climbed to her feet before walking drunkenly down the stairs, keeping one hand carefully tight on the railing.

Smiling, she pulled open the door. It was about eleven, she was feeling really rock star, sleeping in until noon - well close enough - and sleeping in a fancy hotel room. Maybe it was Marissa, she should be back from her radio tour by now, it could one of Marco's many morning calls where he would basically drag her from bed for really no reason at all.

"Hi," Keely said in her surprise she forgot to be rude.

Seth raised one of those dark eyebrows, his hair was more than a bit mused as if he'd just rolled out of bed as well, and his eyes were looking hooded and tired.

Now she remembered. "What are you doing in my hotel?"

Rolling his eyes, Seth pushed off the hood of the blue hoodie he had pulled up before barely brushing her when he walked in through the door. Biting her lip in confusion, Keely closed the door behind him. It was a show of the tiredness that she even let him through the door.

Folding her arms over her chest, Keely turned around to glare at him. "Ever going to answer my question?"

The brown eyes didn't look loathing or sarcastically insulting for once, instead they just looked a bit exasperated. "I was drafted to come pick you up and become your personal driver today."

"Huh?" Keely said rather stupidly, but, really, what else could she say?

"Yeah, I thought Marco would have told you, you're going with us to a movie premiere tonight. Maureen wants you to get some publicity... You could probably skip it if you want her to murder you."

"Uh... yeah, that's what I want," she laughed in automatic reaction. "Little bit tired," she flicked a hand carelessly, but then remembered who she was talking to, and had to glower up at him. "Where are we going anyways?"

"Andy," he said simply, dipping his hand into the front pockets of his jeans. 

"I have to change before we go," she pointed out her voice hard as she looked down at her little Scooby Doo shorts and U2 t-shirt.

When he didn't say a word in response, Keely tried very hard not to roll her eyes before turning away to get changed.

Pausing at the top of the stairs three minutes later, she had the strong urge to run down the stairs and rip her music from Seth's hands. There he was - he'd pulled the hood over his head again - looking through her music and Keely narrowed her eyes down at him. It was very hard for her to let people touch her music, it was like they were touching a part of her and she just really didn't trust people.

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