Just What I Needed (41)

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Marissa slid the piece of paper across the smooth counter top, giving it a tap with her perfectly manicured nail once for effect. “These are our final tour dates, it's all down. I got dad to force Maureen into giving him a copy. Thanks daddy!” she shouted.

“You're welcome sweetie!” called Mr James' silky voice from the room over.

Being too focused on the dates in front of her, Keely didn't even scowl at the voice that bothered her so. She didn't know half of the city names on the tour list that stretched across both the United States and Canada. But, to be fair, she'd always sucked when it came to geography.

Still, a few of the dates paired with the cities stood out for her. The first show would be in New York – no surprise there. There would be a show in Vancouver, but she didn't even want to think about the implications that arose with that city. Close to Christmas there was a show in Green Bay, would that mean she'd have to spend her first Christmas away from home? And the final show of their tour was in Seattle, which seemed rather eery to her.

“Here,” murmured Keely, shoving the piece back across to the other girl. Grabbing her bag from the chair next to her, she sent Marissa a distracted smile. “Thanks for showing me, and now I have to go.”

“Hey, where are you going?”

Sending a grin over her shoulder, Keely slipped the strap of the bag over her shoulder. “I've got a concert to go to.”


Rolling her eyes, she leaned against the doorjamb, looking back to her still confused friend who hadn't moved from her position against the counter. “Tyler Collins, concert tonight, M James, keep up.”

She blinked, before arching an eyebrow in Keely's direction. “And why wasn't I invited?”

“Sold out,” shrugged she, “You probably could get backstage-”

Marissa interrupted by mimicking gagging. “Backstage sucks, it really isn't exciting at all.”

Chuckling, Keely shook her head, “You guys are just so jaded. Is it really that bad back there?”

“No, probably not to someone who's never been backstage before. But it's just us getting ready before the show, and then hanging around after. And, don't mind me asking, but how in the hell did you get tickets to a sold out show?”

“I didn't, Seth did, and he's going to murder me if I'm late. So I'll see you around.”

Not waiting for an answer in fear that Marissa would draw her into conversation again, Keely hastily departed the kitchen. Moving hastily through the kitchen with the private elevator in mind, wondering vaguely if there was a way to get to the apartment by stairs. She'd have to ask Marissa about that another day.

“Goodbye Keely,” said Mr James, not looking up from his newspaper at his perch on one of the tasteful couches.

“Mr James,” answered Keely stiffly.

She knew it would sound rude, but she just couldn't help it. Dashing towards the elevator, Keely was down hailing a cab in record time, although the drive to her hotel wasn't as fast, New York traffic really was a pain in the ass.

And within forty five after she'd gotten back to her room; Keely had managed to shower, do her hair and sufficiently be ready to go. Well, besides the fact that she was lacking in the clothes department. Hurrying around her rather empty closet, she tugged on a pair of dark jeans, almost falling over the legs while she tried to move as she tugged them up, and then dragging a Peter Frampton shirt over her head as she rushed around the floor. A black bomber jacket and grey scarf later, Keely was ready and sprinting down her stairs.

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