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Addilyn's POV

I wake up on the tour bus, and walk into the kitchen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The boys yell when I walk in, making me slip on a shoe and fall onto the cold floor.

"Fuck youuuu!" I yell, chucking an old piece of bread at them.

"Ew Addilyn, what the fuck?" Luke asks in a serious tone.

"Oh, um, I'm-I'm sorry..."

I then here laughing.

"I hate you" I say as I get up and kiss Luke hard, making the boys whistle.

"Get a room!" Yells Ashton, poking Luke's cheek.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask, today is a free day for us.

"Addilyn, it's your birthday! We do whatever you want." Says Calum.

"Wanna play Call Of Duty?" Michael asks.

"Yes bitch!" I yell, jumping on the couch and turning on our Play Station 4.

After that, I decide to do the boyfriend tag with Luke because, it's my birthday, I can do whatever the fuck I want.

I turn on the camera and sit down.

"Hey guys! It's Addilyn! And today, I'm doing da.... Boyfriend tag!" I say, as Luke jumps up and waves.

"So, this is my boyfriend Hukas Lemmings" I say, laughing.

"Hello, I'm her boyfriend, Luke Hemmings" he cuts me off sharply.

"So yeah, FIRST QUESTION!" I yell, pulling out my phone.

"Ok, what year was I born in?" I ask.

"Oh shit, was it, was it 1999? Oh, it's 1998!" He responds.

"Fuck" I whisper under my breath.

"Ok, one point Hukas. Next question, how did we meet?"

"That's easy, that random coffee shop that you worked at."


We go on and on, until the last question.

"Ok, so Luke you have 9 points, here is your last question. When did I get my period?" I ask laughing hysterically.

"Why the fuck are you talking about your period Addilyn, that is grosssss" yells Michael from the kitchen.

"Fuck you Mikey!" I yell at him.

"Ok, um, were, were you-" he goes to my ear.

"16?" He whispers.

"What the hell bitch?!? I was 13!" I yell at him.

"Whatever." He says.

After that, Luke takes me somewhere.

Just us.

We get out of the car, and I am immediately greeted with gorgeous led lights, illuminating the dark sky.

"Luke, it-it's beautiful!" I say, kissing him quickly and sitting down in the two chairs set up at a table.

"Um, I-I have a song for you!" Luke says, strumming a guitar.

"I'll take what you got,got, got, I know it's not a lot, lot, lot" he starts to sing, he's singing Vapor.

When he finishes, he gets up and hugs me.

"I love you Addilyn, I really do, at this stage in our relationship, 6 months, we have two paths to go down, casual dating, or a committed relationship. Do you want to be in a committed relationship?" He asks, getting down on one knee, as if he's proposing.

I laugh.

"Sure" I laugh, as he puts a funion on my finger.

"I love you"

"I love you too, Addilyn" he says, laughing.

"You're strange Hemmo, very strange"

A/N they aren't engaged! They are just joking around, but moving a little further. They are now committed to each other, as girlfriend/boyfriend. Not fiancées! Also, SO MANY READDDDDSSSSSS SHICUCSU YDUDJCUCYCDU love you guys-Liv

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