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"Mummy! Daddy! Wake up! Wake up!" Amelia-Lily cried as she ran in to her parents room, leaping up on down excitedly. Janette groaned, it was her eldest daughter's first day at school, they couldn't believe where the time had gone, last week they had celebrated Amelia-Lily's 5th birthday, and 2 weeks before that they had celebrated Sasa and Leonardo's 3rd birthday. "Mils it's 5 o'clock in the morning, school doesn't open till quarter to 9...and there's no chance you are eating anything before 7," Janette said rolling back over. Then they heard the patter of 4 little feet...or more like a stampede? "Mummmmmmyyyy! Dadddddddyyyy!" The twins said together as they came bounding in the room. Now there was no hope now of getting anymore sleep, not with all 3 of them awake. Janette sighed and swung her legs out of bed, giving Aljaz a shove as she did so, he sat up with a groan, he was just as tired as his wife...how could the kids have so much energy at 5:05 in the morning? It was impossible. Him and Janette struggled to get up that early when they had dance rehearsals. As Janette stood up she felt sick and quickly say back down, holding onto her stomach, she had gone a ghostly white colour. "Mummy?" Amelia-Lily said with concern in her voice, chewing her lip, just like her mother did when she was unsure or nervous about something. Janette closed her eyes and nodded. Aljaz climbed out of bed, "come on kids, let's go downstairs...let Mummy have a bit of rest for a minute," he said ushering the kids out of the room, he looked back at Janette, "are you okay?" he mouthed. Janette nodded, keeping her eyes closed, gently rubbing her stomach and her temple. Downstairs Janette could hear the TV go on, the kids chatting about random matters of life, Amelia-Lily telling the twins what's what. Janette hadn't felt like she did that morning for 4 years, 3 weeks before she's found out that she was pregnant with the twins. She suddenly leapt up and made a beeline for the ensuite, Aljaz heard Janette throw up. He poked his head round the living room to find all 3 of them stretched  out on the biggest sofa, a mixture of limbs, all fast asleep. Knowing that they were okay Aljaz dashed up the stairs to find Janette sat on the ensuite floor, her back leaning against the bath, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. "Are you okay bučka?" He asked, joining her on the bathroom floor. Janette slowly nodded her head. Aljaz raised an eyebrow, "are you sure? Do you want me to call a doctor?" He asked, his concern growing. "Baby I'm fine....well I will be...I've felt like this before...it'll pass in a minute," Janette said, reaching out for his hand. Aljaz's eyes widened, "you've felt like this before? When? Why didn't you tell me?" He hated it when Janette kept things to herself, knowing that they rarely turned out well, she always tried to make out she was strong when she was at her weakest moments. Janette sighed, "not for a while...about 4 years ago...when I was...when I was...pregnant," Janette said, waiting for Aljaz to work out what Janette was trying to say. Aljaz's eyes lit up as he worked out what she had just said, "you think....that you're pregnant?" Aljaz asked, sucking his cheeks in, just like he did when he was nervous or unsure, similar to when Janette chewed her bottom lip. Janette nodded, "that's the only conclusion I can come to for why I'm feeling like this...I'm late as well, I'll take a test tonight. I can tell you if I am pregnant later," Janette said, gradually returning to her normal colour. "Could I be there? When you take the test?" Aljaz dared to ask, the previous times that he had found out about Janette's pregnancies she had taken the test by herself either in their bathroom or in her parents' bathroom in Miami. Janette shrugged, "I suppose....if you want...you can go get me a couple of tests later then," Janette said, she held her arms up for Aljaz to pull her to her feet. She smiled and kissed him on the nose....she prayed that she really was pregnant...it would break Aljaz's heart if she wasn't, he loved their 3 children, but Janette could tell that he wanted to be there when she officially found out... Share her first reaction of their upcoming child....

Hi guys...I deleted the other sequel and decided to write this one instead as j was finding the other one quite hard to write and thought it would be easier if the children grew up gradually and not go from being 2 years to 13
#jaljaz 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻😘😘😘😘

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