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Janette wrapped a flowery scarf, the same one she had worn when she met Aljaz and the day that her husband proposed to her, loosely round her neck, matching the simple flower pattern top that she was wearing. "Mum! Hurry up or we're gonna be late for school!" Amelia-Lily called from downstairs. Janette quickly checked her makeup before running down the stairs and out into the car where Aljaz was making sure that the twins were strapped in securely. Once Aljaz parked the car up the road from the school the kids swung forward to kiss their mother goodbye, Janette was waiting in the car while Aljaz was making sure that they walked through the school gate. Whilst she waited for her Prince Charming to return Janette pulled out her mobile, just as she was scrolling through Facebook there was a tap at the window. It was the Cliftons. Janette smiled and rolled down her window, "hi!" She said, something was wrong with her best friends, she just knew it. " alright? Where's Ali?" Karen asked, holding onto Charlie's hand. "Taking the kids into school...what's up?" Janette asked, Karen sighed, "I'll tell you's too long to tell you now." Janette nodded, "do you want to come over for dinner tonight?" Karen nodded, and continued their way down the road to the school gate, passing Aljaz on their way. "Are they okay?" He asked as he climbed in the car. Janette shook her head, "they're coming over later for their dinner, they'll probably tell us then." Aljaz reached out to place a hand on Janette's slight baby bump, "and we can tell them our news." Janette smiled and kissed his cheek, they drove off to the was their first scan of this pregnancy...12 weeks.
Almost straightaway they were able to walk straight through to the room, following Alexandra. Janette was shaking, scared that something would be wrong with the baby. She jumped up on the bed, laying down and pulling back her top, like she had down a thousand times before. Aljaz held onto Janette's hand, squeezing it gently in attempt to reassure her. The baby appeared on the grey telly screen. "The baby is doing really well Janette....really healthy,. Alexandra said. "Really? There's not anything wrong with the baby? I'm not doing anything wrong this time?" Janette asked, welling up with tears. "The baby is doing really well...just like Caleb mustn't blame yourself for his death...neither of you should, there was nothing any one could do to prevent it.....this baby is different, please don't worry," the midwife said trying to reassure the mother and father-to-be. When they left the hospital the heavens opened, a ton of water falling on them as they legged it to the car, Janette's hair sticking to the side of her face, her top clinging like a second skin to her bump, making it a lot more obvious than it was already was.
Once they arrived home they ran upstairs to peel off their soaking wet clothes. Janette turned the hairdryer on in attempt to get her back to the way it was before the rain happened. After, Janette went downstairs to find Aljaz in the kitchen making her something to eat. Janette snuck up behind him, slinking her arms around his waist, Aljaz looked behind him and smiled, "hello my princess." She smiled back, "hello my prince." Janette stood on her tippy toes to kiss him. Anyone could see that they were deep in love...

"How do you think they'll react?" Janette asked, 10 minutes before Aljaz left to pick their children up from school. "They'll be over the moon," Aljaz replied. Janette chewed her lip, "and what if they're not?" Aljaz sighed, "they'll be me...relax, please," he reassured her, kissing her on her nose before leaving to go to the school. Janette sighed as she watched him from the living room window as he drove off. She sighed again, gently rubbing her baby bump and going into the kitchen to start preparing the dinner for that evening, thinking over in her head how she would tell her children that she was pregnant....again. Too late, the children came running, they all seemed in a happy mood. " Charlie coming round later?" Amelia-Lily asked, Charlie still remained 1 of her best friends although he rarely played with her and her other friends. "Yeah...and Auntie Karen and Uncle Kevin are....but first I need you all to sit down...your Dad and I have something to tell you," Janette said, the kids looked at their mother with a puzzled look on their faces as they sat at the table, not knowing what their parents were going to say. Aljaz took hold of his wife's hand and gently squeezed it. "You're going to have a baby brother or sister," Janette said, she pushed forward the scan photo from earlier that day. The children's eyes widened, Aljaz and Janette waited for their reaction, holding their breaths. "The Angels won't take this baby....will they?" Sasa asked, tracing the outline of the baby in the photo with her finger. Janette squeezed Aljaz's hand, stopping herself from crying, "we hope not sweetie." "Shut up'll make Mum and Dad cry....this baby will be fine anyway, I know it will," Amelia-Lily said, smiling at her parents.
1 hour and 1/2 later the Cliftons arrived. Before Janette or Aljaz could say a word about the upcoming baby Leonardo spoke, "my Mummy has a baby in her tummy!" He said proudly. Karen and Kevin's eyes widened and looked at Aljaz and Janette, their eyes resting on Janette's stomach, well hidden by a big jumper that belonged to Aljaz...that was 1 thing that they had not expected. Leonardo slipped out of the room, followed by Sasa, leaving his parents to explain themselves. "Since when? How far along are you?" was the first question that Karen asked. "12 weeks wasn't planned," Janette said. Kevin still stunned, he didn't think that after what happened to Caleb they would want another child. "You're not having this baby as a replacement for Caleb are you?" Kevin asked. Janette shook her head in shock, how could they think that? They had loved Caleb, he was irreplaceable she thought. "God we said this baby wasn't planned, but even if it was we wouldn't have a child to replace 1 that we lost. This baby is different," Aljaz said, quoting what Alexandra had said....this baby would bring their family together, make people happy.....Joy...

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