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"Wow! Just wow baby! You organised all this, for me? I Aljaz I don't deserve someone who spoils me as much as you do," Janette said, Aljaz rubbed noses with her, "I love you Janette Skorjanec and why wouldn't I want to spoil you like're my princess...I want to spoil you because I love you and you deserve the world and more...I know I can't give you the world but I can give you part of it," he said, kissing her on the lips. "Well then Aljaz Skorjanec, I'm on top of the World...and I couldn't be happier," Janette replied as she returned the kiss. Aljaz twirled her round, "now Mrs Skorjanec champagne?" Janette smiled, "why Mr Skorjanec I'd love a glass." Janette gazed out across Blackpool reaching for her husband's hand. "I love you baby," she said looking back at him. "I love you more," he replied. Janette shook her head, "I love you most and you know it Mr." Aljaz sighed and kissed the love of his life's hand just as if she were a princess...his princess.

"How about we book into a hotel room for the night? Just the 2 of us?" Aljaz suggested as they continued to look out across Blackpool, occasionally gaining eye contact and smiling at each other. Janette sighed, "oh baby I'd love to but we don't have any other clothes and what about the kids? We're parents, we can't just run off whenever we like, I don't want our children to think that their Mum and Dad will always just leave them whenever we feel like it, I don't want that for my children," Janette said. " problem," Aljaz said simply. Janette's head drooped and her eyes began to water. "Hey princess what's wrong?" Aljaz said, bending down to try and look Janette in the eye but she kept turning away, not wanting to look him in the eye. "I want to stay in a hotel with you tonight...I really do but the kids, and...and...oh I don't know...I feel like I'll let you down and that you'd be disappointed if we don't stay here tonight, and I don't want to disappoint you," she said, tears beginning to slowly leak out of her eyes. Aljaz tilted her chin up so that she was looking at him, "you could never disappoint me...never! Karen and Kevin are picking the kids up from school so that we don't have to rush back to get there in time...I tell you what, how about we go home when we've finished here, collect the kids from Karen and Kevin's, get them ready for bed, then all of us can curl up on the sofa and watch a movie...what do you think?" Aljaz said kissing her cheek. Janette nodded and smiled, "I'd love to do that with you and our, my bučko, you mentioned something about a carousel?" Janette said. Aljaz smiled and held out his hand, "your stead awaits my lady." Janette giggled as she took her husband's hand as they began to walk out of the wonder that was Blackpool Tower. Walking along the promenade they could hear the gentle sing-song of the carousel, Janette and Aljaz smiled at each other as they ran to get on one of the glowing carousel horses. Janette snuggles back into Aljaz's arms, tilting her head up to look at him, gaze into his eyes. "Happy princess?" Janette nodded, "I couldn't be happier."

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