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It was a windy April morning. Janette buttoned up Sasa and Aljaz's light spring coat, not feeling the need for hundreds of thousands of layers on this particular day. Aljaz had taken Amelia-Lily to school and was at the dance studio for the morning, leaving Janette with the twins. Taking both their hands Janette exited the house, taking them to the park on the promise of ice cream...easily pleased...
The April breeze blew Janette's once nearly brushed hair all over the place, what was the point in spending all that time on doing her hair when as soon as she walked out the door it was all messed up. The twins skipped happily alongside their mother, enjoying the April weather, not being constrained by  hundreds of layers like they were a couple of weeks ago. Once they got to the park Janette let go of the twins' hands and let them run and play, giving them the freedom that they love. Janette sat on 1 of the park benches, making sure that she could see her children at all times. She pulled out her mobile, still keeping a watchful eye on Sasa and Leonardo,
Instantly she got a reply, making her face light up:

Janette let out a sigh as she leaned back on the park bench, watching her children climb on the play apparatus. She recognised a woman walking towards her...Jo Clifton. Janette smiled, "hey, what are you doing here?" Janette asked, Jo rolled her eyes as she sat on the bench next to her Scorpio sister, "oh yeah love you too Janette, such a pleasure to see you...Karen asked if I'd look after her 'oh so sick boy', he's not sick, he just wanted to et out of going to school and it worked...he won't tell me why he doesn't want to go to school...Mils hasn't said anything has she?" Jo asked. Janette shook her head, "she doesn't really mention much about Charlie at school...she says that he plays with her, Sofia, Cara, James and Harry but not all the time...I can ask her if you want?" Janette offered. Jo shook her head, "no...she might tell Charlie...and then Charlie will tell Karen and Kev and then I'll get it in the neck." Just after that Janette heard a scream coming from the play house. She and Jo leapt up and went over to the play equipment to 'investigate'. On the floor was Sasa with tears running down her face, Leonardo was crouched down next to her holding her hand, Charlie was towering over them both, shouting at them...on Sasa's arm was what looked like a bite mark...Charlie..."Charlie!" Jo cried, "did you bite Sasa?" Charlie nodded, "she needed to be shown who's boss," Charlie said, not showing any care in his voice for what he had just done to his God-Sister. Jo turfed him out of the play house bit, the twins scrambling out after him, Sasa holding onto her arm whimpering. Janette picked Sasa up and held her close. "Say sorry to Sasa!" Jo said, she couldn't understand why he had bitten her, Sasa wasn't the type of child to need to be 'shown who's boss', and even if she was that wouldn't then give him the right to bite her, or anyone for that matter. Charlie refused to apologise. Jo began to get annoyed with him now. Janette was no longer listening, she felt a pain pass through her stomach. She put Sasa down and clutched at her stomach, her eyes watering...No, no she thought to herself...I can't be going into labour now...please I can't!

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