Hugs and kisses

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Aljaz took the twins to school, allowing Amelia-Lily time off school to recover from going missing for the night. Janette sat on the sofa with Amelia-Lily, her baby bump slightly visible. Janette's arm was dropped round Amelia-Lily's shoulders, her little head resting against her mother, whilst Janette ran her fingers through her daughter's dark hair. "Talk to me darling....please," Janette said, Amelia-Lily stared into the TV screen, "I won't be cross....promise...just tell me, tell me why you left," she continued to say. Amelia-Lily turned her little body round to face Janette, kneeling that she couldn't ignore her forever, "we heard Auntie Karen say that Charlie was going to move schools....Charlie doesn't want to move so he went to put his shoes on, I asked him where he was going and he said he was running away, he said that I could go with him and have an adventure....I'm sorry," Amelia-Lily said, bursting into tears. Aljaz was stood in the living room doorway and walked over to the sofa, and sat next to his eldest daughter. "Just never do that to us again," Aljaz said, pulling his wife and daughter in for a hug. "Promise," Amelia-Lily said. It was quiet for several minutes as they watched the TV. 1 of Janette's hands remained on her baby bump, as if she were protecting it, making sure that the baby was safe inside her. Amelia-Lily eventually wriggled free from her parents hold and went upstairs to play in her room, they knew that she wouldn't run away again, she was scared almost as much as they were....almost. Janette shuffled along the sofa up to her husband, laying her head on his chest, the entire left side of her body pressed up against him, not wanting to break hold....

5 minutes later the doorbell rang, Janette sat up and Aljaz got up to answer the door. It was a ridiculously skinny woman with straw like hair. "Can I help you?" Aljaz said, he vaguely recognised her but couldn't think where from. "Is Janette in?" The straw hair woman asked. Janette appeared at the door behind Aljaz, "Chloe? What do you want?" That's where Aljaz recognised her from, it was Jason, Janette's ex-boyfriend's girlfriend, the girl he had cheated on Janette with. "I'm looking for Jase," she said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, "I was wondering if he'd been round here? He always had an obsession with you, always talking about you...Janette this, Janette that. Just thought that he would come round here?" Janette looked at the personal trainer stunned, it was so obvious that she was lying, "no he hasn't come round here...and if he did I'd send him on his way because he's not welcome round here," Janette said, linking her fingers with Aljaz's. "But he told me that you loved him....I'm only looking for him because his son will miss him," Chloe said, turning her head towards the car where there was a small baby sat in a car seat. Janette felt Aljaz tense up, they remembered the day at the hospital when they went for the first scan for Caleb, Caleb and their baby would be a similar age. "Trust me Chloe, I don't still love Jason...he's dead to me...I'm married, I don't need or want him, so if you'd be so kind to be on your way...Thanks, Bye!" Janette said, leaning forward to close the door in Chloe's face. Janette took Aljaz through to the kitchen, out of ear shot from Amelia-Lily, "you do know that I don't love Jason...I haven't for the last 10 years....I love you..... you know that right?" Janette said, looking into Aljaz's eyes. Aljaz nodded, "of course bučka, I know...remember, I trust you....I love you more." Janette shook her head now smiling, "I love you more-er-er-er." Aljaz laughed, "Janette, my dear bučka, that's not a word, we've been through this remember?" Janette stood on her tippy toes to kiss Aljaz, putting his hands on her baby bump, distracting him from their debate....succeeding.

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