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The doorbell rang...the police...Sasa and Leonardo stood behind Janette, scared for what would happen to their big sister, the 1 that they looked up to, would she be okay? Aljaz and Kevin gave in depth details of Amelia-Lily and Charlie, tears seeping down Janette's face as she hung onto Aljaz, Karen resting her head on Kevin's shoulder...why their children? Just why? It reminded Janette and Aljaz of when they lost Caleb to the Angles, please don't let the Angels take Amelia-Lily...please, they thought to themselves...they were scared. The police finished the description of the two 6 year olds, 1 of them the man left, leaving the woman police lady behind at the Skorjanec house...

Charlie and Amelia-Lily zigzagged in and out of alleyways, the sun getting lower in the sky. At the end of 1 alleyway they stopped, leaning against the side of a house, panting. "Come on, let's go," Charlie said as he stood up straight. Amelia-Lily sighed, she was tired and hungry, knowing now that her parents would definitely have noticed her and her God-Brother were missing by now....they would go nuts at he when they found them. "Where are we going Charlie? I'm tired and hungry, can't we just go home now?" She asked, just wanting to hug her parents tight and never let go, oh why did you agree to go on this 'adventure'? She thought to herself. Charlie shook his head, "no we can't go back now....they'll be mad at us...I'm sure someone will give us food 'cause they'll feel sorry for us," Charlie said, tugging at Amelia-Lily's sleeve, she sighed and stood up and they continued running to who knows where....



Janette sighed and leaned back on the sofa, the twins sat on either side, Karen was sat on the arm chair, chewing her thumb, the police lady, Sandra was sat holding a cold cup of tea. It was silent. Normally that was bliss but this time it wasn't....the complete opposite...Janette stood up, "I'm going to go and look for them...I can't sit here and do nothing, I've already lost 1 child, I'm not losing another...Sasa, Leonardo, stay here and do not leave the house, understand?" Janette said. "Janette, you can't's not good for you to be stressed in your condition," Karen said, Janette shot her down with a deathly stare, if looks could kill. "You stay here, incase they come back, watch the twins, I'm finding my daughter," Janette said and left the house. The darkness began to creep up on them, the day coming to an end, and they were no closer to finding their children, police were out looking for them, desperate. Janette ended up bumping into Aljaz and Kevin on a street corner. "Janette what are you doing out? You should be Karen with you?" Aljaz asked, he was seriously worried now that the night was coming, they were in, they were 6 years old, no knowledge of the outside world. Janette shook her head, "Karen's at the house with the twins and the police lady...I couldn't sit in the house any more knowing that Mils was out here somewhere, I need to find them...I'm scared," she said, her lip trembling, Aljaz wrapped his arms round her trembling body. "We'll find them...I'm sure of it," Aljaz said in attempt to reassure his wife, but failing. "Ali London is huge...they could be anywhere, what if we never find them?" Janette said, tears running down her face like a flowing river. "We can't think like that...we need to keep going," Kevin said, Aljaz nodded in agreement, Janette pulled away wiping away her tears with the backs of her hands. Holding onto his hand Janette continued walking with the guys, searching the streets for their luck....

They were scared now, well Amelia-Lilt was. Being pulled through the streets of London at night, not knowing where they were or where they were going. Just as they were continuing running Amelia-Lily tripped and fell on her hands and knees, tears sprung to her eyes. Charlie stood by her, not knowing what to do, his best friend refusing to get up, saying that she just wanted to go home. A young woman and her boyfriend were walking down the road and saw the 2 young children, 1 of them crouching down not getting up. They approached them. "Hello? Are you okay? What are you doing out by yourself?" The woman asked, crouching down to their eye level, well Charlie's eye level, Amelia-Lily was still on the floor, on her hands and knees. "We're fine....let's go, we're going to see our parents," Charlie said, pulling Amelia-Lily up off the floor. Tears were dripping down her face, "no we're not..we're not going home, you don't know where home is, you don't know where we're going either....I just want my Mummy and Daddy and I don't know where they are," Amelia-Lily said, bursting into floods of tears right there on the street. The woman took her in her arms and stroked the back of her head, she made her feel safe, not as safe as her parents did but still safe. "Do you know your address?" The woman asked. Amelia-Lily shook her head, Charlie refusing to say anything. The woman looked at her boyfriend and he pulled out his mobile and dialled the police, Charlie clenched his fists, his God-Sister had really landed them in it, not thinking about the trouble that they would get in before blabbing about not knowing where they were. The police arrived in their car, sirens flashing, the woman and her boyfriend got in the car with the children, wanting to know that they were with their parents before they left them, not that they didn't trust the police to do their job, they just wanted to be 100% sure that the children were safe and sound with their parents. At the police station the woman asked for a first aid kit so that she could clean up Amelia-Lily's bloody hands and scrapped knees. Just as she was finishing cleaning her up Janette, Aljaz and Kevin walked in to the station, looking for their children. Kevin spotted Charlie straight away, his head hanging in shame, knowing that his dad would be furious with him for running away and taking Amelia-Lily with him. Amelia-Lily's little face lit up when she saw her parents and leapt off the chair, leaving Charlie and the nice people who had found them on the purple plastic chairs, running towards her parents who swept her up off her feet, squeezing her tightly. Amelia-Lily burst into tears again, "I'm sorry Mummy. I'm sorry Daddy...are you cross?" She said, not letting go off her parents. Janette was unable to speak, just thankful that her daughter was safe. "We're not cross had us so worried though," Aljaz said, kissing the top of her head. Janette was finally able to speak, "I thought the Angels had taken you...I was so scare....Please Mils don't ever do that to me again....promise?" Janette said, Amelia-Lily nodded, tears still trickle down her cheeks. "I don't think she will run away again...when we found her and the little boy she seemed really upset, she wanted to go back to you," the woman piped up, standing behind the family reunion. Janette and Aljaz stood up properly, Aljaz balancing Amelia-Lily on his hip, not wanting to ever let her go again, "thank you for finding them and bringing them back...if there's anything we can do?" Aljaz said. The woman shook her head, "your welcome....please don't feel you have to repay us...we know what you've been through and don't want to put that burden on you, just focus on your little girl....we lost a child last year, they ran away and we never saw them again, I'd like to think that if someone ever found our son then they would take him to the station and then we would be reunited with him...please don't worry," she said. Janette and Aljaz nodded and went to get in the car, waiting for Kevin and Charlie. 

All the way back to Aljaz and Janette's house it was one willing to say a word. Back at the house Karen ran to scoop Charlie up in a hug, relieved to know that him and Amelia-Lily were safe and we're now home, where they belong. Everything else they would deal with later, as long as they were safe.....

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