Us against the world

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"Maybe we shouldn't go?" Janette said in a soft tone so that only her husband could hear her, peeping through the crack in the living room door to see her eldest daughter slouched on the sofa, the twins either side of her, chattering away to her but getting no response. She had been like this for nearly a month, she had lightened up on the twins' birthday...not wanting to ruin their day, but other than that she had hardly spoken, only when it was necessary.....The children were due back at school in exactly 1 week, how was she going to cope seeing him again...Aljaz took Janette's hand and pulled her to face him properly, away from the living room door and into the kitchen, "we need to go....we need this night together....Jo's great with the kids....and maybe, just maybe she might be able to lift Mils' spirits?" He suggested. Janette sighed, "I hope so....she starts back at school next week, I'll feel bad sending her like this, but she has to go," Janette said, looking down at her feet, strapped up in her baby blue heels, the same ones that Aljaz had bought her for her birthday years ago. "Mummy?" A little voice came from behind them. It was Angel....she was going to be 2 next month....time was going way too quickly. Janette put on a smile for her youngest, "yes my little one?" Angel sighed, "do you and Daddy have to go out tonight? Mils is sad....Mils be more sad if you go," she said, ha going onto her soft toy bunny's ears, the rest of his body hanging down by her feet. Janette walked over and picked her up, looking into her daughter's big brown eyes, her little face that mirrored Janette's. "You'll all be fine....Auntie Jo is coming, you all like Jo don't you? Just be a good girl for her okay?" Angel nodded, resting her head on her mother, taking in her scent....

"Baby what are we going to do about Mils? She won't talk to us...I mean are we really that bad? She only told us about her and James because the twins said that she had to," Janette said, sat opposite to Aljaz at a table in a restaurant that he had taken her. Aljaz played with his wife's fingers, "you're not that bad, you're not any bad, you're  an amazing Mum to Mils, Sasa, Leo and Angel, they all completely adore you....and Mils has only just turned 9, she'll get over James and will find someone way better than him...don't worry, she'll come round," Aljaz said in attempt to reassure his wife. Janette pulled her hand away from Aljaz, a look of horror on her face. "What do you mean she's only just turned 9? Does that mean that she can't be genuinely upset about James dumping her? Is that what you're saying?" Aljaz reached out for Janette's hand again but she pulled away, "well no that's not what I'm saying," he began. "Well then Mr Skorjanec what are you saying?" Aljaz hesitated, "well-um," he stuttered. "I knew it," Janette said, picking up her bag and walking out of the rather quiet restaurant. Aljaz sighed, he couldn't say or do anything right concerning his 9 year old's love life. He grabbed his jacket and ran out of the restaurant after Janette, he saw her getting into a taxi. "Janette!" He called out after her, she rolled down the car window. "Where are you going?" He asked, bending down to look her in the eye. She turned away, "nowhere...just leave me alone for a bit...please," she told him before telling the driver to drive on to the destination that she had previously told him before Aljaz had come running over....leaving Aljaz standing by himself on the pavement outside the restaurant. Then he heard a voice coming from behind him, "relationship trouble?" Aljaz spun round to see the 1 person that he did not want to see....Jason. "What do you want? In fact it's none of your business, me and Janette are just fine," Aljaz snapped, he hated Jason with a passion. "Calm down, I'm not interested in Janette any more....I've moved on....I'm a married man....she can't be here tonight which means that I can help you fix your relationship with little J-bird who seems to have stormed off," Jason said, slinging an arm over Aljaz's shoulder. Aljaz shrugged it off immediately, "mine and Janette's relationship isn't broken...and what would you know about Janette? You were always off with Chloe when you were together.....Janette said that you were hardly ever interested in her," Aljaz replied, staring in the direction that the taxi containing Janette had driven off in. Jason paused for a second before speaking again, much to Aljaz's dismay, "she said that?! Well to be honest it's partially true but anyway let's not dwell on mine and Janette's relationship, that's all done with in the if I remember rightly Janette has a best friend that goes by the name Karen...and when me and Jan ever had a fight-" "Me and Janette haven't had a fight," Aljaz said, cutting Jason off. "Okay, okay....allow me to continue....when we used to have a fight or something off she would go to Karen's to bitch about if Janette and Karen are still friends then that's where I would guess where Jan has gone," Jason finished, flashing his shark like teeth. Aljaz froze....of course! He thought to himself, the Cliftons! That's where his bučka would've gone!Aljaz ran to where he had parked the car, leaving a grinning Jason standing on the pavement, flashing his predator teeth.

Janette rang the doorbell to the Clifton residence. Hoping that by doing so she wouldn't wake Charlie, if he was in bed. It was Karen that answered the door, dressed in casual leggings and a plain top. "Hey Janette, are you okay?" She asks with a concerned look on her face, her best friend's eyes glazed over with tears. Janette nodded, then shook her head, then shrugged, "I don't know....can I come in? I'll be quiet so I don't wake Charlie." Karen widened the door for her to get through, "Kevin has taken Charlie to his parents for the weekend...I think Kevi is on his way back with food, but you're more than welcome to come in, you always are welcome.. Janette sniffed and not and sat down on the Clifton's sofa, shrugging her light summer jacket off. Karen sat next to her, "now what's wrong?" Janette sighed, "me and Aljaz had a fight....well, it wasn't even a proper fight, I just....oh Karen I was an idiot...I just stormed out of the restaurant....I overreacted....he's never going to forgive me...what have I done?" Janette said, tears beginning to trickle down her face. Karen put her arm round her friend, "of course he'll forgive you, Ali is crazy about you, he'd never let you go....and Janette you are not an idiot, I can assure you of that," Karen said, rubbing her friend's back. Kevin then walked in, "Oh hi okay?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face. Janette sniffed, "hi....I've just totally messed everything up with Aljaz so I'm not feeling great," she answered. Just at that moment the doorbell rang repeatedly. Kevin went to answer it to find Aljaz standing there on the doorstep. "Is Janette there?" Aljaz asked, jumping up and down on his toes, showing his nerves. Kevin opened the door wider, "um yeah....she was just saying that she's messed everything up with you." Aljaz shook his head, "as if she could ever do that," he said, running passed Kevin into the living room where Janette was sat with Karen. "I'll leave you 2 to talk," Karen said, getting up from her spot on the sofa, closing the living room door behind her. Janette looked down at her lap, tears continuing to flow down her face, not looking her husband in the eye. "Janette?" She refused to look up. He repeated her name but still she didn't look up. Aljaz walked over and kneeled down in front of her, gently taking her hands in his. "What's wrong princess? Please talk to me...Kevin told me that you said you've totally messed everything up with could never do that....unless...unless I have messed everything up..." Janette's head flipped up, looking him in the eye now, tears still running down her cheeks, her mascara looking like spider's legs. "Aljaz you could never mess things're the best husband and father that has ever lived, honestly, you've done nothing's me....I've messed things up...overreacting about Mils, what I said, I didn't mean it, you love them kids more than anything in the whole wide world....I'm so so so sorry Aljaz...I don't know how you'll forgive me," she said, ducking her head again. Aljaz took her face in his hands, bringing it level with his, "listen to me Janette Skorjanec, you could never mess things up...remember, you and me, we're for against the world...yeah? Just please tell me that it's not over, it would break my heart if we ever came to an end..." Janette brushed away the remaining tears, "us against the world." She took his face in her hands, pulling him in to kiss him....her Prince Charming.

Hi guys, what do you think so far? Hope you're liking it....keeeeep reading! #jaljaz 💗💗💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞💞💞💞💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍

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