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"So what was up earlier when I saw you at the school?" Janette asked, moving on from the topic of her pregnancy. "We'd been called in to see the headteacher about Charlie...apparently he's been picking on this girl, Ella Shell, in his class and her parents have apparently complained to the school on more than 1 occasion," Karen briefly explained, not speaking too loudly as she didn't want any of the kids, especially Charlie, to hear. "That doesn't sound like Charlie,. Janette said, normally Charlie was really sociable and was usually kind and caring. "That's what we said...he's normally really nice and everything, not unkind to anyone. But Charlie even admitted to hitting and biting her."
Janette remembered back to the day at the park, the day that she gave birth to Caleb, Charlie had bitten Sasa because "she needed showing who was boss", Janette explained this point. "You never mentioned that," Aljaz said, having no memory of this, Karen and Kevin looked confused as they hadn't known this. "I didn't mention it because I kind of had other things on my mind that bringing a human being into the world," Janette said, it still hurt to think about her son, she had gotten over him and she still loved him with all her heart and thought about him all the time, the family talked about him as well but it still hurt. He'd be 15 months by now, possibly walking or learning to walk, saying his first words or short sentences. "We're considering moving him to a different school, he's never really settled down at the school he's at now," Kevin said.
Charlie and Amelia-Lily were standing behind the kitchen door, not being seen by their parents, quiet as 2 baby mice. "Are you not going to my school anymore?" Amelia-Lily asked in a whisper. Charlie shrugged, "I don't want to move they can't make me," Charlie whispered, he turned round and started making his way towards the front door, slipping his feet into his boots. "Where are you going?" Amelia-Lily asked....still whispering. "They can't make me move schools if I run away," he replied, also whispering. "You can't run away...I don't want you to go." Charlie hesitated whilst he thought it through, "come with me!" Amelia-Lily shook her head, "I can't....Mum and Dad will go mad." Charlie shook his head, "please come'll be like an adventure...come on....please," he looked at her, pleading. Amelia-Lily sighed, "fine." She slipped her shoes and her jacket on, and the pair left the house without a sound....

30 minutes later.

"Go get the kids and tell them dinner is ready," Janette said to Aljaz said as she began to put food on plates. Aljaz nodded and went upstairs where the children were playing in their rooms. The twins came down almost instantly but Amelia-Lily and Charlie weren't in Amelia-Lily's bedroom. Aljaz checked the twins room, his and Janette's room and the where...he went back downstairs to check the living room....still no hope. He returned to the kitchen, beginning to get slightly worried. "I can't fin Mils and Charlie," he said. "They're upstairs in Mils' room....aren't they?" Janette said. Aljaz shook his head. "Well where are they then?" Karen asked. Aljaz shrugged, "I don't know....I think they're missing....."

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