I want to know everything

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Aljaz stood patiently in the queue of parents, waiting to collect their children from their first day of school. He could see Karen across the other side of the playground waiting to pick up Charlie. What felt like an age later (only 6 minutes later), he was at the front of be queue. Aljaz could see his daughter from the other side of the room, stood in the middle of other 4-5 year old girls, chatting away like there was no tomorrow. Amelia-Lily caught her father's eye and bid farewell to her new friends, running over to him, a beaming smile on her face. She waved goodbye to her teacher, and took Aljaz's hand as they walked towards the car. "So how was it?" He asked, hoping that she hadn't gotten into any trouble. Amelia-Lily paused before speaking, "it was good...I made like hundreds of friends...Miss Petal had a very loud voice...but she was alright...she gave me an' Sofia 1 of her chocolates...I think Sofia is my best friend, like Charlie," Amelia-Lily explained as they drove to pick the twins up from the childminder...she didn't see the point in going into loads of detail now when her mum would bombard her with questions when they would arrive home. The front door flung open as they walked into the house. Amelia-Lily running into the kitchen to find Janette. Janette picked her up and spun her round the kitchen, then doing the same with Sasa and Leonardo, all 3 of them squealing with delight. "So tell me about your day Mils....I want to know everything," Janette said as she sat put a drink on the table, 1 for each of the children. Amelia-Lily took a sip of her orange squash and rolled her eyes, her mum could be so predictable with what she was going to say sometimes it was unreal. "Well...I made like a gazillion friends...Sofia is my best friend though, like Charlie...my teacher Miss Petal is nice, but she had a very loud voice in the playground, but she gave me and Sofia 1 of her chocolates, I don't know why...probably because we saw her eating them and you're not allowed chocolate at school, only on Fridays...you're allowed cake though an' biscuits all the time...Miss Petal read a story before Daddy picked me up, it was the story that 'chelle (the childminder Michelle, but most people call her 'chelle) always used to read...Stickman! An' I wrote my name...all of it...Cara 1 of my new friends couldn't write it all, she always laughed, she said that me an' Sofia were funny...I like her next best to Charlie an' Sofia. Some of the boys were silly, James gave me an' Sofia an' Cara some of his choclate cake," Amelia-Lily explained as she took another sip of her squash, the twins in awe of their big sister, telling he story of her day at school. "Did you see Charlie?" Janette asked, hanging on her eldest daughter's every word. Amelia-Lily paused for thought, "I saw him...but he didn't talk to me...I waved at him, an' he smiled at me but he won't talk...he walked roun' by himself, a weird girl tried to follow him but Charlie ran away...I don't know her name," she said. Janette and Aljaz looked at each other, their God-Son was 1 of the most sociable little boy that they had ever met. "Did you not speak to him?" Aljaz asked. Amelia-Lily froze, was this a trick question? She hadn't spoken to him but she hadn't ignored him, "I couldn't...he's not in my class...I smiled and waved, he didn't try to talk to me...I'm not in trouble, am I?" Aljaz smiled and stroked her head, "of course you're not in trouble...how could we ever be cross with you?"

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