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**Hi guys, sorry for the really sad previous chapter...this chapter won't be much happier so just preparing you for that...also this chapter will be from different people's points of view, so it may get confusing...I will clearly state who's PoV it is, and whether it is a flashback or not....hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think through private message or by commenting or posting on my wall...Enjoy!**

Amelia-Lily's PoV

Auntie Lesly tugged the brush through my hair, making it soft and silky just like hers and Mummy's.....I wanted Mummy to do it, not that I didn't like Auntie Lesly but I just wanted my Mummy...she's hardly spoken since she screamed...when she screamed Caleb's name and cried...Daddy doesn't speak much now either....He says that we have to be very good children for Mummy, and that it is okay to cry if we want to....I kind of understand...
I found him the way he was, tucked up in his crib that apparently was once mine, Sasa and Leo never had that crib because there was 2 of them and Mummy and Daddy wanted matching cots, but they kept my one, he looked so cute curled up in an peaceful....Everyone at school is acting weird now though...all my friends feel sorry for me, they don't say much now, they think they'll upset me...Sofia found me in the toilets last week crying...

**Amelia-Lily Flashback**
I scrunched my knees up to my chin, sat on the closed toilet lid, my face buried in my knees, not daring look up. It was break time....I didn't want to go and play out in the playground in the shimmering sun with my friends, or sit in the classroom with Miss Petal who kept looking at me funny, everyone at school was acting different now since Caleb had gone to be with the Angles in Heaven, they didn't really talk to me, as if they were scared of upsetting me...I was upset...Charlie was the main person that knew how upset I was....he was my God-Brother, Auntie Karen and Uncle Kevin and Auntie Joanne had been round loads lately since Caleb had left us, meaning that Charlie had been round a lot as well.....he hadn't seen me cry though...I couldn't cry at home though...Mummy and Daddy said that it was okay to cry, but I was scared...scared that it would make them cry even more...Mummy's eyes were always red and puffy now from crying, and the twins had been coming in my bed now, I couldn't cry in front of them...I was their big sister, I had to be the grown up one, the one telling them that Mummy and Daddy would be just fine...that's why on Wednesday break time I snuck into the girls' toilet, usually you had to get a note from the teacher to say that you could go in, I locked the door to the end cubicle, the one furthest away from the entrance to the loos.....not wanting anyone to hear me cry...I heard the door swing up. Someone with supper shiny, polished shoes went into the cubicle next to me...a little, pale hand slid under the divider between the was Sofia...I reached down and took her hand...she squeezed it gently...I knew then that she understood, that she cared....

**End of Flashback**

Sasa Rose's PoV

I stood in the corner of my living room, clutching into my favourite toy, my Piglet that I had had since I was a little baby, and with the other hand I hung onto my twin Leo...I looked around the room, by the window stood Mummy, she was wearing a long black dress, her hair hanging passed her shoulders, her eyes red from crying...she missed baby brother....Mummy said that just because he wasn't hear didn't mean that he was no longer my brother. Mils said that the Angels were looking after him. I asked why we couldn't look after him no big sister didn't no...I didn't want to ask Mummy or Daddy, I didn't want to make them cry...Leo has, Mummy just hugged him and made his t-shirt all wet with her tears.

**Sasa Flashback**
Everyone was quiet...ish....I could hear Mummy crying and Daddy talking quietly. I climbed out of my bed, holding onto my Piglet, I tiptoed over to Leo's bed, tugging at his duvet...I was right, he was was a twin thing. He sat up in bed and wriggled to the edge of his bed, jumping onto our bedroom floor, not making a noise. My twin took my hand and lead me to our big sister, Amelia-Lily's room, the door opened with ease. I could see a little lump under the duvet on her bed, it was moving up and down as if she were sobbing silently. We walked over to the edge of our big sister's bed, pulling at the covers. She rolled over, wiping her eyes and lifting the covers up for us to climb in, turning on her torch, turning her bed into a makeshift den. Her pillow was damp with tears...that was the first time me and Leo had seen her cry....
"Where's Caleb? Why isn't he here no more?" Leo asked, hugging his Tigger. Amelia-Lily paused, thinking what to say to us, her younger siblings..."He's with the Angels...they're looking after him now," she explained, sitting cross-legged under her duvet, her head the main thing that was stopping our den closing in on us. "Why? Why can't we look after him? The Angels are making Mummy and Daddy sad by looking after Caleb," I said...we were silent, we could here Mummy crying, she missed him more than anyone, including Daddy. He was her baby, and now the Angels had taken him...I didn't understand why, Mummy and Daddy were good at looking after him, they didn't need to take their baby away...
"I don't know...they just have...he's still our baby brother, nothing can stop him being our you hear me? No matter what anyone says, he's still ours?" Mils said, she was being serious now, properly acting like our big sister. "Will he ever come back?" Leo asked, taking Tigger's thumb out of his mouth to talk. Amelia-Lily shook her head and pulled us in for a hug, just like Mummy did when we were upset, "no...but I'm sure he'll be okay...the Angels will make sure he's' it's okay to miss him, 'cause he was our brother and we loved in to the moon and back...remember?"

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