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"What's that tube for?" Leonardo asked, pointing to one of the many tubes that we're going in/out of his big sister. "I don't know not to touch it though yeah?" Aljaz said. Janette was silent, sat on a plastic orange chair with Angel sat on her lap, not letting her go. Aljaz had began to wonder whether it was a good idea in bringing the twins and Angel to visit their sister while she was irresponsive. Sofia, Amelia-Lily's best friend, was beginning to respond a little, moving her hand every now and then but apart from that she was still asleep, at least she was moving, which was more than could be said for Amelia-Lily....
Aljaz could see that Janette was holding back the tears in front of her children, like she did when they lost Caleb. She was quiet, looking like she was in some kind of trance. There was a side room where Janette had slept for the past 2 nights, refusing to leave her eldest daughter's side, wanting to be there the second there was any development in her "condition". They heard a tap at the door, it was Karen and Kevin, Charlie at his grandparents. "Hey," Karen said, "is it alright if we come in?" Aljaz nodded, Janette not responding, "hey kids, why don't we go to the shop? Get you a drink and a snack?" Aljaz said, the twins nodded and Angel was released from her mother's grasp, Kevin following Aljaz and his God-children down the hospital corridor. Karen sat on the chair next to her best friend, Janette still not talking. "Is there any change?" Karen asked, breaking the silence. Janette sniffed and shook her head, a singular tear making its way down her cheek, " change...there's more change in Sofia's condition than Mils'....Sofia has started moving, she's still unresponsive but at least she's showing some signs of waking up...Mils isn't showing any, none at all! Oh Karen, I can't lose another child, I won't be able to live if I lose another," Janette said as more tears began to make their way down her cheeks. Karen put her arm round Janette, gently rubbing her back, "you won't lose her....Mils is a fighter, you won't lose her...we've just got to be patient....we've just got to believe in her," Karen said in attempt to console her best friend. Aljaz was stood in the doorway, the kids with their Uncle Kevin. "Karen's right J...Mils will wake up...and when she does wake up, we'll be right here to support her, as a family." Janette looked up and gave a weak smile through the tears, standing up from her position on the chair she wrapped her arms round his, resting her head on his chest. Trying to block out all that was troubling her....

Suddenly one of the machines that Amelia-Lily was hooked up to began to beep rapidly, a team of doctors and nurses cam rushing in at the sound of his noise, ushering Aljaz, Janette and Karen out of the room. They watched int through the glass window, watching people try and save their daughter's life...

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