I'm on top of the World

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Janette sat on the island in the kitchen swinging her legs over the side, leaning back on her hands, head cocked to one side as if she were to say something. "What?" Aljaz asked, turning round to face his wife. Janette shrugged, "what baby?" Aljaz walked over to her, her legs wrapped round his waist. "You were going to say something...you were staring," Aljaz said, Janette sat up and kissed him on the nose, "I'm fine baby...am I not allowed to stare at my gorgeous husband?" Aljaz shook his head, bumping noses, "never." Janette smiled at him, her arms round his neck, "aww that's too bad." Aljaz laughed and pulled her off the island, spinning her round their kitchen causing Janette to let out a child-like giggle, cute, just like she was....

"So princess we have the whole day to ourselves what would you like to do?" Aljaz said, holding both her hands as he looked into her eyes. A smile crept upon Janette's face, "ummm....a day with you?" Aljaz rolled his eyes, "okay, a day with me...what would you like to do?" Janette chewed her bottom lip as she thought carefully her next answer, "um....you choose....surprise me," she said. Aljaz sighed, "okay...you go and get changed and I'll think of somewhere to take my darling wife," Aljaz said, leaning in to kiss Janette. Janette continued to smile before running upstairs to get changed. She rummaged through her wardrobe trying to find something suitable for all occasions. Pulling out different outfits before shaking her head and shoving it back into the wardrobe, letting out a sigh of frustration Janette collapsed onto her and Aljaz's bed, burying her face into the duvet. She heard a tap at the bedroom door, "baby? Janette? Are you okay?" Aljaz asked. Janette sighed, "baby I can't go out on a surprise trip today." Aljaz sighed as leant against the doorframe, "want to tell me why? Because I'd kinda like to go somewhere with you today...because you know I kinda love you." Janette sighed again, "because I can't find anything to wear...I'll look ridiculous whatever I wear," she said, Aljaz pushed the bedroom door open and sat on the bed next to his bučka. "Now Mrs Skorjanec it is completely and utterly impossible for you to look the slightest bit ridiculous," he said, tilting her chin up to look him in the eye, brushing away the singular tear that had began to creep out of her eye. "Now how about we choose something for the princess to wear?" He continued as he got up off the bed and made his way over to the wardrobe whose doors had been slammed shut in sheer frustration by Janette. Aljaz's eyes darted left to right and back again along the rail of clothes belonging to Janette before pulling out a short-ish pink summery dress, holding it out for her inspection, "this one?" Janette brushed away the remaining tears before nodding. Aljaz held out the dress for Janette to take before kissing her on the nose and leaving the room to allow her to get changed...
Janette stood in the doorway of the kitchen where Aljaz was stood awaiting his Princess. "So, tell me...honestly, how ridiculous do I look?" Janette asked, giving him a twirl before looking down at her feet. The second time she looked up Aljaz has taken her hands and was in awe of his gorgeous wife, "I love it...just like I love you Janette Skorjanec," he said. Janette smiled, lighting up the whole room. "So, where are we going?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "Not telling," he said, a grin on his face. Janette raised her eyebrows, her mouth slightly opened in 'shock', "what do you mean 'not telling'?" "You said that you wanted me to surprise you so that's what I'm doing...now come on, I'll give you some clues in the car," he said gently tugging Janette towards the car.
"Okay then Mr Secretive what are my clues?" Janette said as Aljaz kick-started the engine. Aljaz rolled his eyes, "okay...okay...clues...you're first clue is that we're going to somewhere outside of London," he said. Janette sighed frustratingly, "you could at least narrow it down for me a bit Ali...outside London could be anywhere!" "Excuse me, I said I'd give you clues....I just didn't say that they'd be any good clues now did I?" Aljaz said as he glanced over at Janette to see  her thinking of a suitable response, she sighed, "okay then Aljaz Skorjanec, fine...what's your next clue," she asked. "It's somewhere that we've been before quite a few times, mostly with friends," he said. "Ali! Come on give me a proper clue! It's not fair otherwise," she whined. Aljaz rolled his eyes, "fine...okay...a proper clue...um...it's somewhere where there's a carousel," he said. Janette chewed her lip as she thought about his 'clue'. "Um...a fair? Because I don't a short dress is suitable for that occasion." Aljaz shook his head, "not a fair...and you look gorgeous so don't start complain about you're outfit because I think you look perfect," he said before she could put herself down even more. Janette raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow and then rolled her eyes, "whatever you say baby, whatever you say."
They drove for 5 more minutes before they diverted into a garage, "why've we stopped? We haven't run out of fuel," Janette said. Aljaz shook his head and reached to the back seat and took a scarf, "close your eyes," he instructed. "Really? Why do I need to be blindfolded?" Aljaz sighed, "I want to surprise you properly okay? And otherwise you'll see the signs and it'll be ruined so please, just go with it? For me?" Janette sighed and turned her head away from him so he could tie the scarf round her eyes....

"Are we nearly there?" Janette asked for the millionth time in the last 11 minutes. "Nearly...patience my love...patience." Janette sighed, tapping her nails repeatedly on the car door....
Eventually the car came to a stop. "Can we remove the blindfold now? I know that we've stopped," Janette asked, wanting to know where her husband had taken her on their outing. "Not yet, just hang on a few minutes longer." Janette heard Aljaz's car door shut as hers opened. Aljaz gently took her hand, twisting her round so that she could get out of the car. "Aljaz baby please can I take the blindfold off? I bet everyone is staring at me and I look stupid," Janette complained. Aljaz spun her round and kissed her on the cheek, "Janette darling we've been through this, you could never look stupid even if you tried, now let's go," he said tugging her in the correct direction.
Double doors swung open as Aljaz pulled Janette along, twirling her round and round as doing so causing her to let out a fairy-like laugh. "Are we nearly where we can take this ridiculous blindfold off baby?" Janette asked as she continued to giggle. "Nearly princess, we're nearly there daring," he said, pulling Janette into a lift, pushing random buttons as the lift began to rise. After what felt like forever the lift let out a pro-longing ding! signifying that they had reached their desired floor. Aljaz entwined his fingers with Janette's as they stepped out the lift. Aljaz tugged at the scarf/blindfold revealing to Janette the table for 2 set out, an ice cold bucket of champagne, an array of Janette's favourite foods, candles set out on the table, Janette's favourite flowers and a string of first lights hanging round the area, all overlooking Blackpool at the top of the iconic Blackpool Tower. "Happy anniversary my Princess Janette," he whispered in her ear....

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