More than an emotion

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The twins sat on the floor outside Amelia-Lily's room, leaning against the door, not talking. Janette walked out of her bedroom cradling Jorge and holding Angel's hand. "What are you two doing?" Janette asked. The twins looked up at their mother trying to give a suitable reason why they were listening outside their big sister's bedroom. "Mils is talking to Nathan Halden on the phone," Leonardo said. Janette looked stunned, trying to playback any conversations in her head, trying to pick out the names her children Nathan Halden. "Who's Nathan Halden?" Janette asked. The twins rolled their eyes. "Mum everyone knows who Nathan Halden is," Sasa said. "Well, Sasa, Leonardo, would you care to tell me who Nathan Halden is?" Janette asked, keeping hold of Angel's hand. "Nathan Halden is in year 6, everybody knows who he is. He sits on Mils' table at lunch now they've got this new seating plan thing at lunchtime. Then yesterday when we were waiting for Mils to walk out of school with we saw Nathan give Mils his mobile number and he told her to call him some time...she's on the phone to him now," Sasa said. "Yeah...Mils totally fancies him and we think he likes her, Nathan Halden doesn't give his number out to just anyone," Leonardo finished. Janette chewed her bottom lip, "okay you 2 let's leave Mils alone now, take your little sister downstairs to where your Dad is." The twins sighed simultaneously as they got up and each took hold of Angel's hands and lead her downstairs. Janette took a deep breath and knocked loudly on Amelia-Lily's door, making Jorge jump slightly. "Yes?" Amelia-Lily said impatiently. "Can I come in? It's Mum," Janette said. She heard a muffled voice and the hanging up of a phone, "come in!" Janette opened the door, still holding the 7 week old baby in her arms. Amelia-Lily was stretched out on her bed, the phone that Janette and Aljaz had bought her for her 10th birthday on the duvet next to her. "You okay Mum?" Amelia-Lily asked. Janette sat on the edge of her eldest daughter's bed, "who's Nathan? I mean the twins briefly explained to me who he was to me but who is he to you? The twins said you fancied him and he fancied you." Amelia-Lily rolled her eyes, "typical of Sasa and Leo to stir things...I don't like him in that way...I guess he's quite good-looking but I like James, Sofia said that James still kind of liked me, we're just friends at the moment, I would talk to him but we only made friends again after we broke up so I don't want to mess things up yet...Nathan is sweet but he's so not my type," she said, raising her eyebrows. "But he gave you his number..." Amelia-Lily rolled her eyes again, "we're just friends Mum...he's leaving next year anyway so he wouldn't want to go out with a primary school me Mum, he's not my type. Nathan just gave me my number because he's into dance and all that stuff and we can't really talk about it properly at school on our lunch table, the twins got the wrong idea...I'd tell you if I liked him, just like I did with James." Laying Jorge on the bean bag Janette held out her arms for Amelia-Lily. "Aww come on, you can't be too old to give your old Mum a hug?" Amelia-Lily rolled her eyes and shifted down the bed, wrapping her arms round Janette. "I love you Mum." Janette squeezed Amelia-Lily tight close to her, "I love you too my baby girl." Amelia-Lily squirmed, "Mum I'm not a baby, I'm 10!" Janette rolled her eyes, "you'll always be my baby little girl." Janette kissed the top of her daughter's head. Amelia-Lily pulled away and kissed her mother's cheek. "Come downstairs with me. Dad will want to see you, he's crazy about you. I hope I have that some day." Janette kissed her cheek, "you will sweetie, I know you will."

Janette walked into the kitchen holding Jorge, Amelia-Lily behind her. Aljaz smiled, "morning beautiful," he said, walking over to Janette and kissing her. "Hmm morning baby." Angel held her arms up, Amelia-Lily bent down and picked her 2 year old little sister up, balancing her on one hip, the twins standing in front of her, hands linked, looking on to their parents, Jorge squirming in Janette's arms. They were all happy...a perfect family....

They years to come saw all the children grow up faster than Janette and Aljaz could control.
Seeing laughter and tears.
Amelia-Lily continued to dance, performing on the stage, falling for the lead actor in one of her shows. Marrying him 3 years later and giving birth to 3 beautiful boys, Charlie, Daniel and little Johnny.

Leonardo remained the confident, cheeky boy that he had always been since he was a little kid. He stayed in London, settling down with a girl that his twin would never deem suitable for her brother who never let her forget the fact that he was 5 minutes older than her.

Sasa changed the most, fed up with hiding in her twin's shadow. As soon as she turned 18 she traveled the world, strutting round in her stilettos and fluttering her long eyelashes and tossing her dark ringlets, flashing her million dollar smile at anyone and everyone, breaking hearts as she swished and swayed her hips. But each time she would go running back to her parents and eating dinner with her twin, throwing his fiancée looks of disapproval.

Caleb's memory remained strong. Angel and Jorge knowing about their older brother through their parents and their siblings and their parents' friends.  

Angel stayed the good little girl that no matter what she did her parents would hold out their arms and hold her tight. Not being the best girl when she was younger she gave birth to a little girl at 16, Charlotte. Raising her with the help of her parents she was the best Mum anyone could've imagined, except for the Friday nights that Angel went out with her friends, leaving Janette and Aljaz in charge of what was considered the best thing that ever happened to Angel Clare.

Jorge was known as the Miracle Child. Not supposed to survive when Janette gave birth to him by herself in the Clifton bathroom. He spent his days dancing, following in the footsteps of his father and mother, a professional dancer on Strictly Come Dancing. In the years to come falling in love with one of his celebrity partners.

Each year the whole family would reunite at Christmas, be it Miami, Slovenia or London, all together. Laughing at the stories they had to tell. Making memories that they would hold forever....

As for Aljaz and Janette, they stayed together, stronger than ever. The glue that held the family together. Loving their children and their grandchildren. Not caring what their children did, always forgiving them for they were theirs, they'd made them with the true love that they shared for each other. Love was more than just an emotion, Love is a promise that they made a long time ago...

So that's the end of this trilogy of jaljaz fanfic. Keep looking out for a new jaljaz fanfic coming soon, that won't be linked to this set that I have been doing the last 6 months. I hope you like
Keeeeep reading! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕💕😘😘😘💕💕💕💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

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