Hiccups and Kicking

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Janette lay stretched out on her and Aljaz's bed after throwing up...this was definitely worse...this made her feel weaker, making her have to sit or lie down for a couple of minutes. It was 6:45 and so far there was no noise for any of the kids, unless you counted the baby boy growing in Janette's tummy, who was very awake, continuously kicking. Aljaz rolled over to Janette's side of the bed, he wrapped 1 arm round Janette, pulling her close to him, her head resting on his chest. He placed 1 hand on his wife's baby bump, feeling the baby give a hard sharp kick. Aljaz's eyes widened. "Is that the baby kicking?" Aljaz asked. Janette nodded, "he's wide awake this morning...but then again he's been like that a lot lately, throughout the day...it hurt at first but it doesn't anymore, I'm kinda used to it...he had hiccups in the night," Janette said, putting her and Aljaz's hand back on the bump. "I think he'll be a dancer...a dance with lots of kicks and flicks," Janette added, turning her head to face  her husband. "Definitely a Latin dancer...like his mummy," Aljaz said with a smile spread across his face.   Janette smiled back, "do you want to talk to the baby?" She asked, Aljaz paused and then nodded. Janette pushed the duvet off and changed her position in the bed, she rolled her pyjama top up revealing the bump. Aljaz stretched out on their bed, his head facing the his unborn child.

They heard a little knock at the door. It was the children. "See! I told you they were awake!" Leonardo said running to get on the bed. Amelia-Lily sighed, "that doesn't mean that you have to get up Leo!" She said with frustration, holding onto her little sister's hand. Janette smiled, "it's okay Mils." Leonardo sat on the bed next to his Daddy, "Daddy what are you doing?" he asked with curiosity. "Talking to the baby," Aljaz said. The children looked confused, "why are you talking to Mummy's tummy then?" Amelia-Lily asked. Janette giggled, "because the baby is in my tummy...that's why Mummy is getting a big tummy because the baby is growing," Janette explained, had we not already told them that the baby was in my tummy? She thought to herself. "Can I talk to the baby?" Sasa piped up. Janette nodded and patted the bit of bed next to her for her daughter's to climb up on. Sasa crouched down so she was eye level with the baby bump, "hello baby brother....I'm your big sister, Sasa." Janette smiled, you couldn't deny the fact that Janette and Aljaz's children were super cute. You could see the bump moving about. "Your tummy is moving Mummy!" Leonardo said, pointing at his mother's stomach. Janette laughed, "it's your baby brother kicking and moving about....he's got hiccups...feel," she took Leonardo's hand and placed it on the place where the baby was kicking. Leonardo laughed, Sasa and Amelia-Lily delicately put their hands on the bump, feeling their little brother kick. "Does it hurt?" Amelia-Lily asked out of curiosity, she could never remember feeling the twins kick when Janette was pregnant with them. Janette shrugged, "sometimes...I'm used to it now." Aljaz got up from his position on the bed, "do you want some coffee?" He asked Janette. She nodded and Aljaz went downstairs, Leonardo following him wanting to "help". It was cute. Her boys making her coffee. Amelia-Lily stared at her mother's stomach as it slightly bounced up and down, Janette smiled, "poor little thing has got hiccups," Janette said gently rubbing her tummy. Sasa giggles, "poor baby boy," she said, gently patting the baby bump. Amelia-Lily smiled, it was cute, she didn't understand though...how did her baby brother get in her Mummy's tummy?

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