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I woke up a few hours later by the sounds of a Froggit hopping by, not noticing my presence. My nose itched as I sat up and I sneezed.

"Howdy Cherry! How was your sleep?"

My head whipped around as I looked for the source of talk. My hands rested on a bed of golden flowers and I felt like I had gone back in time.


The smiling blossom appeared in front of my face and I smiled. "Howdy!"

I crossed my legs and looked around. It was the same place but I was resting on a bed of flowers now. "Uh- thank you? For the bed I mean."

"No problem buddy! Anything for a friend."

I raised a brow and looked at him questioningly. "Friend? Didn't you try to fight me the last time we met? We're friends now?"

"Well sure! The reason I was so aggressive is because that's my instincts. I'm sorry for being so mean Cherry. I don't have many friends so I'm weird around new people."

I shrugged it off and grinned. "Okay. You're forgiven. We're friends now."

"Great! Can I ask you a favor? As a friend?"

"What do you need?" I asked.

I plucked a sturdy looking flower and put it in my hair. Flowey grinned and vines grew around us into a private dome. "I wanted to know if you could help me get some souls."

I laughed. "You can't just buy or steal souls. It's illegal."

Flowey grinned wider. "But that's surface law. It doesn't apply here."

I stopped laughing and looked at Flowey with curious eyes. "Flowey, I don't even know where to get a soul. Why do you want one anyway?"

"Well, I need one to become a powerful monster. That way people won't laugh at me anymore."

I smiled at Flowey. "Flowey, it doesn't matter if people laugh at you. You should be happy with your soul how it is. People bully me all the time. You just shouldn't care."

His face fell into a frown and he looked at the ground. "I don't have a soul." He said sadly.

It clicked for me and my grin grew. "So we'll be best friends then. I don't have a soul either remember. We can be soulless buddies."

(Roll credits. Lol jk.)

Flowey grinned, but it looked fake. I left the subject and shifted my position of sitting. "I have to go soon. I'm trying to get out of the Underground."

Flowey looked at me curiously. "Why? Don't you like it here?"

I shrugged. "It's okay but I'm not a huge fan of fake light. I miss the sun, the moon, the stars." After a pause I said, "You could come with me."

The blossom didn't respond immediately but then grinned. "I have a plan!"

I lent him my ear as he eagerly explained his idea. "You and I can go to the surface and be together, then, when a human dies of natural causes, I can get a human soul!"

"And me? Humans can't absorb human souls."

"We'll find you a monster soul or two!"

Thinking the plan over, it didn't sound bad. A used body couldn't contain a soul, so it wouldn't be stealing someone's soul. And it was only one soul so it couldn't be that bad.

"Okay, that sounds good."

"Oh really?! Oh thank you new friend!" There was a hint of corniness in his voice and I rolled my eyes.

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